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Simple, easy and performance countdown for angular
- ngx-countdown
- ng-countdown
- angular-countdown
- angular countdown
- countdown
- count down
- angular standalone library
A simple count down clock component
- react
- react count down
- react-count-down
- react count-down
- react-component
- timer
- count down
- counter
- clock
- count-down
- pure css
The most simple way to display a countdown in angular 16-17 (standalone and ngModule)
- Angular
- Angular 17
- Angular 16
- Angular 15
- Angular 2+
- Directive
- Countdown
- Simple Countdown
- Simple Countdown Standalone
- count down
- Angular countdown
- ngx-simple-countdown
- ngx-countdown
- ng2-countdown
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With Vue Counter, you can count up or down between two numbers.
:-) date('Y-m-d', 1563148800000) - 这是一个Javascript模仿PHP日期时间格式化函数,使用方法和PHP非常类似,有丰富的模板字符,并在原来的基础上增强了一些模板字符。例如:中国的农历日期、用汉字来表示日期、十二生肖与星座。让转换日期时间更自由。 This is a Javascript mimicking PHP datetime formatting function. It is very similar to PHP, has rich template c
counter that really works! / licznink, który działa na prawdę!
A simple number count down component
react count down, hooks
The most simple way to display a countdown in angular 15-16
- Angular
- Angular 16
- Angular 15
- Angular 14
- Angular 13
- Angular 2+
- Directive
- Countdown
- Simple Countdown
- count down
- Angular countdown
- ngx-simple-countdown
- ngx-countdown
- ng2-countdown
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clocker-js 是计时器,有 正计时 和 倒计时 功能
Simple, easy and performance countdown for angular. Ticker event that emits every seconds
this calendar lib encapsulation calendar's algorithm for get calendar data, have not DOM, you can customization style by yourself. 一个可以自己定制样式的日历库,没有dom操作, 只封装了日历的算法,得到需要的日历数据。
Counter.js is a slim (less than 1kb gzipped), performant, es6 module, that counts numbers. It uses RAF and easing functions to provide a buttery-smooth, 60-fps counter.
Countdown timer is a common UI component. It is just a simple stop watch kind of UI clock.
- react
- react-component
- timer
- count down
- counter
- countdown
- count-down
- stopwatch
- stop-watch
- react-count-down-timer
- react count down timer
- react-stop-watch
- react stop watch
- react stop count down
a simple count down clock component
A simple countdown Timer class (no GUI)
A simple count down clock component
- react
- react count down
- react-count-down
- react count-down
- react-component
- timer
- count down
- counter
- clock
- count-down
- pure css
countdown date and split to [days, hours, minutes, seconds]
A react native component of animated circular progress-bar that can use for counting up/down with animation of filling/ un-filling circle.