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Domotz Agent
Updated by reinstall.js on 2018-06-11T15:19:56.688Z
Communicate securily with the Loxone Miniserver via Websocket or HTTP requests
automate your life - platform
[thing-it-node] Device Plugin for Z-wave Networks.
automate your life - platform
Module to interact with Busware CUL / culfw
automate your life - platform
Routes motion alerts for Dahua, Alhua and Lorex camera streams to `homebridge-camera-ffmpeg`
Homebridge dynamic plugin for Dahua/Lorex camera alarm support
Ambianic UI is the main user interface to Ambianic Edge deployments.
The node-lifx-lan is a Node.js module which allows you to communicate with the Wi-Fi LED smart light products "LIFX" using the LAN protocol.
node-red nodes to connect to dahua cameras and intercom VTO. main purpose is to receive notificaitons of door bell and to be able unlock door remotely.
Domoticz-MQTT Module
大华api http
Dahua HTTP API Module
Module to interact with Busware CUL / culfw
Web application for controlling programmable lights
Integrate your Refoss devices
Hikvision HTTP API Module