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6000 packages found
Forget InAppBrowser for iOS - this is way better for displaying read-only web content in your PhoneGap app.
- InAppBrowser
- InAppSafariBrowser
- Safari
- Safari ViewController
- Chrome Custom Tabs
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
Native plugin wrappers for Cordova and Ionic with TypeScript, ES6+, Promise and Observable support
Cordova wrapper for ESC/POS Thermal Printer library
Cordova wrapper for ESC/POS Thermal Printer library
Cordova Facebook SDK Plugin
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner.
- cordova
- qr
- qr code
- scanner
- reader
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
- cordova-browser
- library
- electron
- NW.js
This plugin allows selection of multiple images from the camera roll / gallery in a phonegap app
Resolve native file paths from content URLs for Cordova platforms
A plugin to provide the Clarity experience for the Cordova applications.
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to update platform configuration files based on preferences and config-file data defined in config.xml. (Security vulnerabilities fixes)
A Cordova plugin for PhotoEditor SDK. Integrate the photo editor into your own HTML5, iOS or Android app - in minutes!
- cordova
- photoeditorsdk
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- image
- image editor
- imageeditor
- photo
- photo editor
- photoeditor
- PhotoEditor SDK
- ios
Cordova plugin for Firebase Crashlytics
A Cordova plugin for VideoEditor SDK. Integrate the video editor into your own HTML5, iOS or Android app - in minutes!
- cordova
- videoeditorsdk
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- video
- video editor
- videoeditor
- VideoEditor SDK
- ios
- android
Plugin that just gets photos from the gallery
Cordova plugin to work with Google Play Games services
Compress Video and get video infos.
This plugin allows you to send and receive push notifications. Powered by Pushwoosh (
Native storage of variables in Android, iOS and Windows
- cordova
- device
- storage
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-browser
- cordova-windows
- LocalStorage
- NSUserDefaults
- SharedPreferences
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to check the state of Location/WiFi/Camera/Bluetooth device settings.
Cordova Device Plugin
- cordova
- device
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-electron
- cordova-ios
- cordova-windows
- cordova-browser
- cordova-osx