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exact matchFast front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, seamless incremental compilation for rapid development, an opinionated pipeline and workflow, and core support for source maps
- assembler
- builder
- stack
- pipeline
- build tool
- workflow
- source map
- incremental
- config
- react
- webpack
- vue
- grunt
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Adds underscore template support to brunch.
Adds Emblem.js support to brunch.
Brunch plugin to turn latest ECMAScript standard code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime required.
Compile static jade files with brunch.
Transform static html files using brunch.
Compile static markdown files with brunch.
Transform static files using brunch.
Yet another Brunch plugin for Ember.js template precompiling
A collection of node browser shims for Brunch
Adds multiple assets folders support to brunch.
Brunch plugin used to copy files to the set public directory, ideal for compiled bower components.
Add support for processing .jsenv files to Brunch. Read environment values to compile to JS.
A Brunch plugin that appends a unique SHA digest to asset filenames.
A fork of the Uglify js brunch plugin adding Ngmin support.
Adds svg-sprite support to brunch.
Adds support to Brunch for pre-compiling single file Vue components.
Brunch plugin to compile Elm code (
Adds browser-sync support to brunch for automatic browser reloading and much more