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the icons like the VRChat for Node.js ecosystem with the Solid.js
the icons like the VRChat for Node.js ecosystem with the React
My TypeScript configuration for general projects
My commitlint configuration for general projects
My ESLint configuration for general Node.js projects
My Prettier configuration for general projects
My CSpell configuration for general projects
My lint-staged configuration for general projects
TypeScript type definition for JSON Resume
My Markdownlint configuration for general projects
A client library for the Cosmos SDK 0.37 (cosmoshub-3), 0.38 and 0.39 (Launchpad)
My ESLint configuration for React projects
An element that supplements content and represents an action or feature within LaunchDarkly.
Converts results of dantalion into detailed documentation.
My ESLint configuration for Solid.js projects
NPM library that calculates the personality from the birthday.
Preview middleware
TypeScript definitions for launchpad
An element that displays content within a portal triggered by user interactions.
An element used to provide navigation links to help users move through an app.