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Router middleware for Curveball
Curveball is a framework writting in Typescript for Node.js
Curveball is a framework writting in Typescript for Node.js
A curveball middleware for parsing JSON and Text bodies.
Weblinking Middelware for curveball
AWS Lambda handler for curveball
Validation system for Curveball
CORS middleware for curveball
A curveball middleware for serving static files from a filesystem
Pino logging for Curveball.
Log HTTP requests and responses to STDOUT
A standard package for HTTP exceptions
Curveball compatible zod validation
A middleware for converting errors into application/problem+json
A simple controller pattern for Curveball.js
Session storage using HTTP cookies
Automatic API browser generator. A middleware that turns your JSON responses into HTML if accessed by a browser.
First-class React support in Curveball for SSR
Session storage backed by Redis using HTTP cookies
OAuth2 Middleware that validates Bearer tokens against a OAuth2 Introspection Endpoint.