Zowe Utils
A convenience wrapper for Zowe Cli.
This module exports two Objects:
1. ZosJob : Submit a Job and get a promise , that resolves to execution's outlist.
- Create a job from a jcl (string/ local file/ pds member) :
let job = new ZosJob(jcl)
. - Submit the Job with
and get back a Promise. - Watch job's running status by subscribing to
event :job.on('status-change', newStatus => console.log(newStatus))
. - Cancel job's execution at any time , with
2. ZosFtp : Ftp common operations.
- Get/Put/Del a dataset or PDS member from/to mainframe, e.g. :
- List Directories , e.g. :
Node.js: Any supported Node.js LTS version. For an up-to-date list of supported LTS versions, see Nodejs.org.
Zowe installed at Z/OS.
Zowe Cli installed globally at local machine. Zowe Cli @next is strongly recommended for better performance.
Your z/OS UserId should be a member of group IZUUSER.
Getting Started
Install the package to your project:
npm i zowe-utils --save
yarn add zowe-utils
In your code :
const zoweUtils = require('zowe-utils')
const config = {
user: 'ZOS_USERNAME', // String: REQUIRED
password: 'ZOS_PASSWD', // String: REQUIRED
host: 'ZOSMF_HOST', // String: REQUIRED, host's IP address
port: ZOSMF_PORT // Number: OPTIONAL, defaults to 30443.
const { ZosJob, ZosFtp } = zoweUtils(config)
Now you have available both ZosJob & ZosFtp
For a full list of config properties check the API section.
Try to submit a jcl that resides at mainframe , e.g. : 'U001.ZOWEUTIL.PDS(TESTJCL)'
let jcl = {
name: 'TESTJCL', // String: REQUIRED, Assign a name to your job, used for logging and outlist save name
description: 'Basic Jcl with RC=0', // String: Optional
source: 'U001.ZOWEUTIL.PDS(TESTJCL)', // String: REQUIRED
sourceType: 'hostFile', // String: REQUIRED
RC: '0000' // String: REQUIRED, Maximum expected return code
let job = new ZosJob(jcl)
try {
let outlist = await job.sub()
console.log('job.RC :',job.RC)
} catch(error) {
const zoweUtils = require('zowe-utils')
const { ZosJob, ZosFtp } = zoweUtils(config)
Initialise ZosJob and ZosFtp by providing the config object:
<object>:- user <string>: Required.
- password <string>: Required.
- host <string>: Required. IP address of ZOSMF.
- port <number>: Optional. Default: 30443
encoding <string>: Optional. The encoding of the host. Local JCL's and datasets should always be in 'UTF8' before submitting/uploading to host . Default:
watchJobInterval <number>: Optional. Time interval (ms) used internally by ZosJob to watch Job's status during execution. If the host is not powerful enough , increase this number. Default:
deleteMainframeOutlist <boolean>: Optional. Set this to
if you want ZosJob to keep outlist at host, after job completion. Default:true
Not Yet Implemented -
loggingFunction<function>: Optional. Handle / store logs the way you want, instead of logging them at the terminal. For example you can use
module , to write to a file of your choice. Default:console.log
const zoweUtils = require('zowe-utils')
const { ZosJob } = zoweUtils(config)
- Constructor :
let job = new ZosJob(jcl)
name <string>: Required. Provide a name for your job. Used by ZosJob for logging and naming outlists. e.g.
description <string>: Optional.A description of what the job is doing so that you can have all the information attached to the
object. e.g.'Testing ZosJob basic functionality.'
source <string>: Required. This can be a path of a local file , a Javascript String or a host PDS member containing valid JCL code. Examples:
Local File:
Host PDS member:
Javascript String ( has at least one newline ('\n') character ):
'//U001T JOB (BATI,U001,U001)\n' + '// EXEC PGM=IEFBR14'
- sourceType <string>: Required. Defines the source type and can be one of these values: 'localFile', 'hostFile', 'string'.
RC <string>: Required. The maximum RC expected by the execution of the jcl. If the returned RC is greater than the string declared here, the
promise will be rejected. e.g.'0004'
outlistLocalPath<string>: Optional. The local path where to store the outlist execution results. Default:
name <string>: Required. Provide a name for your job. Used by ZosJob for logging and naming outlists. e.g.
sub(): Submits the job to JES. Returned promise resolves to outlist of the execution.
try { let outlist = await job.sub() console.log(outlist) console.log('job.RC :',job.RC) } catch(error) { console.log(error) }
cancel() : Cancel job submission. Returned promise resolves to undefined.
try { await job.cancel() } catch(error) { console.log(error) }
sub(): Submits the job to JES. Returned promise resolves to outlist of the execution.
'status-change': Emitted whenever job's running status changes e.g. from
job.on('status-change', newStatus => console.log(newStatus)) // 'ACTIVE'
- 'job-id': Emitted when JES assigns ID to job e.g. 'JOB19788'
job.on('job-id', jobId => console.log(jobId)) // 'JOB19788'
'status-change': Emitted whenever job's running status changes e.g. from
put ( source <string>:Required, hostFile <string>:Required, options <object>:Required): Put the local file or the Javascript String defined by
, tohostFile
(it will be deleted and recreated if it exists). Returned promise resolves to undefined.-
sourceType<string>: Required. Can be either
. -
allocationsOptions<_pairs_of_key_values>: Optional. You can specify the allocation attributes listed under options of
zowe zos-files create data-set-sequential
command. e.g.recfm: 'FB', lrecl: 300
try { // source can be a path to local file await ZosFtp.put('C:\\local.txt','U001.ZOWEUTIL.FILE',{ sourceType: 'localFile' }) // or a Javascript String. await ZosFtp.put('I am going to host!','U001.ZOWEUTIL.STRING', { sourceType: 'string' }) // supply allocation parameters await ZosFtp.put('C:\\local.txt','U001.ZOWEUTIL.FILE2',{ sourceType: 'localFile', recfm : 'FB', lrecl:50, size: '125CYL' }) } catch(error) { console.log(error) }
get ( hostFile <string>:Required, localFile <string>:Optional): Download the
z/OS dataset or PDS member to alocalFile
path. IflocalFile
is omitted, then the Promise will resolve with the contents of the host file as a Javascript String.try { // download hostFile to localFile await ZosFtp.get('U001.ZOWEUTIL.FILE','C:\\local3.txt') // get contents of hostFile as a Javascript String. const result = await ZosFtp.get('U001.ZOWEUTIL.STRING') console.log(result) // 'I am going to host!' } catch(error) { console.log(error) }
del ( hostFile <string>:Required): Delete the
Dataset, PDS or PDS member.try { await ZosFtp.del('U001.ZOWEUTIL.FILE') } catch(error) { console.log(error) }
list ( hostPath <string>:Required): List dataset or PDS members defined by the
variable.try { const result = await ZosFtp.list('U001.ZOWEUTIL.PDS') console.log(result) } catch(error) { console.log(error) }
Running the tests
Create a .env
file at the root of the project and assign the following global variables:
ZOS_JOB_STATEMENT='//jobName JOB (SYSS,userId,userId)' # Minimal JOB statement needed by your z/OS installation for JCL to run
Then issue the test command:
npm run test
yarn test
- Christopher Chamaletsos
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details