A cli tool to get you off work early。
install it in global:
yarn global add zdxb
or npm -g install zdxb
zdxb <template> <name> <target>
- template: the template will be used.template must be registered before.
- name: file name(class name) of the generated files.
- target: target path of the generated files. realative to
And you can also install in locally and write a npm script in package.json
of your project.
"zdxb": "zdxb --"
And run
yarn zdxb <template> <name> <target>
Now you can find all built-in templates in the templates
directory of zdxb
You can PR or clone this project if you want to customize your own templates.
1. Make a new directory.
Create your own directory in templates
directory of the package. The new directory name will be the name of template
in cli. Multi-level directory is supported.
2. Write template file.
Now we get only name
parameter for template file. The name
will be transformed intp four styles and passed to template.
template variable | name style |
{% uppercamel %} | NameStyle |
{% kebab %} | name-style |
{% snake %} | name_style |
{% camel %} | nameStyle |
3. Register template.
You need to register template before use it in cli:
// src/index.ts
const tm = new TemplateMaster(path.join(__dirname, '../templates'))
tm.register('component', 'src/components')
You can specify template name(dir name in templates dir) and default target path of the generated files.