This is the SDK used in Zapier integrations.
See and of this package in particular.
Useful commands:
npm install
for getting started -
npm test
for running unit tests -
npm run local-integration-test
for running integration tests locally -
npm run build-boilerplate -- --debug
for building abuild-boilerplate/*.zip
(if you want to test buildless locally)
Make sure your AWS access key have permission to update and run Lambda functions, and then you can use these commands to run tests on AWS Lambda:
npm run deploy-integration-test
builds and deploys a zip to a function namedintegration-test-cli
on Lambda -
npm run lambda-integration-test
runs the integration test using the live Lambda functionintegration-test-cli
Only do this after merging your PR to main
npm version [patch|minor|major]
will pull, test, update schema version in dependencies for this package, update docs, increment version in package.json, and push tags, which then will tell Travis to publish to npm