Transform choo, yo-yo, or bel template strings into pure and fast document calls.
npm install yo-yoify --save-dev
When using Browserify, use as a global transform:
browserify entry.js -g yo-yoify -o bundle.js
how this works
and bel
, without this transform, pass template literals to hyperx
then parses and extracts the tags. bel
then turns those tags into
calls to document.createElement()
When using this transform, your template literals:
var msg = 'hello!'var element = yo`<div></div>`
Transform into direct calls to the document
var msg = 'hello!'var element = { var bel0 = document return bel0}msg
Which means, way better performance and compatibility with older browsers.
see also
- babel-plugin-yo-yoify — yo-yoify as a Babel transform, works with any build setup that supports Babel
(c) 2016 Kyle Robinson Young. MIT License