If there is no compelling thing, please use the triple.
YaTriple is very simple, does not have nice command of care. Only supports iOS and than anything.
In order to ease the iOS native module development. I forgot $ titanium.py run
. No more tmp.
$ ti create --type module --platforms ios --id foo --name foo --workspace-dir . --url http://
$ cd foo/iphone
$ ./build.py
$ yatriple -a ../example/app.js -m ./foo-iphone-1.0.0.zip
$ npm install yatriple -g
$ yatriple
$ yat
When the simulator is launched, will stop at the splash screen. Take it easy. That's all right. Please coding the Ti.UI.Window
If you timed out on build? Please try it with the -v
Default iOS, you can select the ios and android
$ yatriple -p android
$ yatriple -p android -C 'Nexus S - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 480x800'
Do not support load the folder
$ yatriple -a path/to/app.js
specify the module id or .zip
$ yatriple -m path/to/foo-iphone-1.0.0.zip
YaTriple contained TiWSEvaluateJS
- use the
option if you want to specify a host(default localhost). - use the
option if you want to specify a port(default 8888).
$ yatriple -H -P 8080
Original idea from @tonylukasavage.