
1.3.1 • Public • Published


Wrapper for Yandex.Fleet API

Allow send commands to Yandex services

This module for car rent services only! Not for taxi drivers or customers!

For more information about operations and its parameters look at:

Обертка над сервисами Яндекс.Такси

Позволяет посылать команды в сервис

Данный модуль предназначен только для таксопарков и сервисов аренды авто.

Модуль не предназначен для водителей и клиентов такси.

За дополнительной информацией по API обращайтесь к документации по адресу:


npm i yandex-fleet-wrapper

Supported and planned API points

  • [x] in v. 1.0.1 POST v1/parks/driver-profiles/list

  • [x] in v. 1.0.1 POST v1/parks/orders/list

  • [x] in v. 1.0.1 POST v2/parks/driver-profiles/transactions/list

  • [x] in v. 1.0.1 POST v2/parks/driver-profiles/transactions

  • [x] in v. 1.2.1 GET v1/parks/driver-work-rules

  • [x] in v. 1.2.4 POST v1/parks/cars/list

  • [x] in v. 1.2.4 GET v2/parks/vehicles/car

  • [x] in v. 1.2.4 PUT & DELETE v1/parks/driver-profiles/car-bindings

  • [x] in v. 1.3.1 POST & PUT v2/parks/vehicles/car

  • [ ] v2/parks/contractors/driver-profile

  • [ ] v1/parks/orders/track

  • [ ] v2/parks/transactions/list

  • [ ] v2/parks/orders/transactions/list


Create object

const Fleet = require('yandex-fleet-wrapper').Fleet;

let fleet = new Fleet(
    'Your park ID', 
    'Your park auth token'
    [, 'Language code (ru, en)' 
    [, 'URL Prefix' 
    [, 'URL suffix' ]]]

If Language code not provided 'ru' is used by default

if URL Prefix and Suffix not provided default is used.

Yandex services path can be changes without notice, this project can be updated with delay

All sending commands are queueing and executes sequentially with delay of 2 seconds. This is because Yandex.API requires a minimum delay of 0.5sec between operations on same parkId.

More information about returned data you can find in official documentation

Get drivers list

let data = await fleet.drivers();

Get orders list

let data = await fleet.orders(timeFrom, timeTo);

timeFrom and timeTo is Date object

timeFrom <= timeTo

Get transactions list

let data = await fleet.transactions(friverId, timeFrom, timeTo);

driverId is an Yandex ID that you can get using fleet.drivers() method

timeFrom and timeTo is Date object

timeFrom <= timeTo

Make driver transaction

let data = await fleet.transaction(driverId, moneyAmount, remarks, idKey);

driverId is an Yandex ID that you can get using fleet.drivers() method

moneyAmount should be a positive or negative decimal(12,2) value and can't be zero

remarks could describe your transaction and passed "AS IS" to Yandex transaction log

idKey (idempotency key) is an unique ID of the transaction provided by user

If one transaction with the same idKey is executed then next one is declined

Get list of work rules

let data = await fleet.workRules();

Get list of cars

let data = await;

Get car details

let data = await fleet.carInfo(carId);

carId is an Yandex ID that you can get using method

Create car record

let data = await fleet.carCreate(data);

data is an object with specification required by Yandex (see official documentation for details)

Edit car details

let data = await fleet.carEdit(carId, data);

carId is an Yandex ID that you can get using method

data is an object with specification required by Yandex (see official documentation for details)

Bind car to driver

let data = await fleet.carBind(carId, driverId);

carId is an Yandex ID that you can get using method

driverId is an Yandex ID that you can get using fleet.drivers() method

Unbind car from driver

let data = await fleet.carUnbind(carId, driverId);

carId is an Yandex ID that you can get using method

driverId is an Yandex ID that you can get using fleet.drivers() method

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npm i yandex-fleet-wrapper

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