Yet Another Create Read Update and Delete project.
Quickly run CRUD ops and more on databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL locally and in the Cloud.
npm i -g yacrud
Use case
This package is for development and testing purposes.
We can use this to create a test database and some tables and then fill them with fake values.
Table of Contents
- Node (v14 or higher)
- NPM (v6 or higher)
- Database (any of the following supported database)
- PostgreSQL (v11 or higher)
- MySQL (v5 or higher)
- MariaDB (v9 or higher)
- DBeaver (Optional)
- MySQL Workbench (Optional)
Start the database server and then use yacrud
Getting started
Install this package globally.
npm i -g yacrud
Usage: yacrud --help
Usage: yacrud command [-option=value]
Usage: yacrud command --help
Default database: PostgreSQL
Supported: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB
version Print the version.
init Initialise yacrud.
all [Re]create the default database, tables and fill it with fake values.
create-database Create the default database 'yacrud'.
recreate-database Recreate the default database 'yacrud'.
drop-database Drop the default database 'yacrud'.
create-tables Create the default tables.
recreate-tables Recreate the default tables.
fill-tables Fill the default tables with fake values.
list-tables List all the tables.
read Read rows from a table.
Configuration file:
Run the following command to setup configuration file.
➜ yacrud init
The init command creates the .yacrudrc file in the home directory.
Database flags:
Following are the flags that can be used with the above commands.
Note! Inline database flags overrides the .yacrudrc flags.
| Flag | Default Value | Note |
| -d | yacrud | Database name |
| -h | localhost | Hostname |
| -p | 5432 | Port |
| -U | | Username |
| -P | | Password |
| -C | pg | Client name |
The database name (-d flag) is always converted to lowercase.
Values for -C flag.
pg PostgreSQL
mysql MySQL/MariaDB
➜ yacrud init -C=pg -h=localhost -p=5432 -d=yacrud -U=yusufshakeel -P=root1234
➜ yacrud init -C=mysql -h=localhost -p=3306 -d=yacrud -U=yusufshakeel -P=root1234
It's free 😃
MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Yusuf Shakeel
Feeling generous 😃 Donate via PayPal