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8.2.1 • Public • Published

XRPL-AccountLib npm version NodeJS

XRPL Account helper: generation, derivation and signing.

Getting started

npm install --save xrpl-accountlib

Use in the browser

You can get a prebuilt / prebuilt & minified version from Github / CDNJS CDNJS Browserified CDNJS Browserified Minified

Sample: https://jsfiddle.net/WietseWind/gkefpnu0/

A note on signing vs. connectivity

Please note: this lib primarily provides signing and derivation capabilities. To connect to the XRPL and submit transactions, please take a look at xrpl-client.

Here's an example on how these two libs can work together (manually).

🎉 HOWEVER... Since version 2.1.0 this lib. bundles xrpl-client as well, and comes with helpers to prepare transactions & submit transactions 🎉

The bundled xrpl-client instance & behaviour is network definitions aware, meaning it will dynamically load definitions from supporting networks, like Hooks enabled networks. An example how to load definitions dynamically can be found Here's an example

  • utils.accountAndLedgerSequence(wss, account) (async) can be used to get values required to prepare a transaction:
    • The first param. takes either an instance of xrpl-client or a string containing a WebSocket node endpoint. In case of a string (endpoint) a connection will be created & closed automatically.
    • The second param. takes either an account address (string, r...) or an XRPL_Account object (see below).
    • The output contains ready to use params. in the txValues property. The given LastLedgerSequence is the current ledger index + 20.
  • signAndSubmit(tx, wss, account) (async) can be used to sign a transaction & submit it to the network provided:
    • The first param contains the TX Json, complete or completed by the accountAndLedgerSequence method txValues
    • The second param. takes either an account address (string, r...) or an XRPL_Account object (see below).
    • The third param takes an XRPL_Account object (see below). An account 'r-address' string can't be used here as a keypair needs to be present to sign.

A sample can be viewed here: https://github.com/WietseWind/xrpl-accountlib/blob/master/samples/sign-and-submit.mjs

The XRPL_Account object

Both the generate and the derive methods will return an XRPL_Account object, containing all information to sign:

  accountType: '...',
  address: 'rXXXXXXXXX...',
   { familySeed: 'rYYYYYYYYY...',
     mnemonic: 'word word word...',
     passphrase: 'Hello World! ...',
     path: 'm/44'/144'/X'/Y/Z' },
   { algorithm: 'xxxxxxxx',
     publicKey: 'AABBCC001122...',
     privateKey: 'CCDDEE332211...' } }

All XRPL_Account objects allow calling the signAs method to set the signAs user for MultiSign transactions (when a MultiSign user also uses a RegularKey);



Generate account lib.generate

All generate methods return an XRPL_Account object.

Samples: https://github.com/WietseWind/xrpl-accountlib/blob/master/samples/generate.js

Family Seed lib.generate.familySeed(options{})


  • algorithm
    Default: 'secp256k1', alternatively: 'ed25519'

Secret Numbers lib.generate.secretNumbers()


Mnemonic lib.generate.mnemonic(options{})


  • passphrase
    Default: (none), alternatively: 'my secret passsword'
  • strength
    Default: 256 (24 words), alternatively: 128 (12 words)
  • accountPath
    Default: 0, alternatively: X in the derivation path: m/44'/144'/X'/Y/Z
  • changePath
    Default: 0, alternatively: Y in the derivation path: m/44'/144'/X'/Y/Z
  • addressIndex
    Default: 0, alternatively: Z in the derivation path: m/44'/144'/X'/Y/Z
  • wordlist
    Default: 'english', alternatively one of:
    • chinese_simplified
    • chinese_traditional
    • french
    • italian
    • japanese
    • korean
    • spanish
    • english

Derive account lib.derive

All derive methods return an XRPL_Account object.

Samples: https://github.com/WietseWind/xrpl-accountlib/blob/master/samples/derive.js

Family Seed lib.derive.familySeed(familyseed'')

The familyseed argument is required, and should contain a string, like: sXXXXXXXXX...

Secret Numbers lib.derive.secretNumbers(secretNumbers''|[], acceptWithoutChecksum?:false)

The secretNumbers argument is required, and should contain a string, like: 012345 123456 ... or an array containing 8 elements of the type string containing 6 digits.

Mnemonic lib.derive.mnemonic(mnemonic'', options{})

The _ mnemonic_ argument is required, and should contain a string with a valid word list, like: state green stem tower...


  • passphrase
    Default: (none), alternatively: 'my secret passsword'
  • accountPath
    Default: (0), alternatively: any integer
  • changePath
    Default: (0), alternatively: any integer
  • addressIndex
    Default: (0), alternatively: any integer

Passphrase lib.derive.passphrase(passphrase'')

Derive from a passphrase, like masterpassphrase

Private Key lib.derive.privatekey(hex'')

Derive from a 66 char HEX private key, like 001ACAAEDECE405B2A958212629E16F2EB46B153EEE94CDD350FDEFF52795525B7

Sign lib.sign(Transaction{}, XRPL_Account{}/[{}])

The first argument of the sign-method should be a Transaction object, the second argument can either contain one XRPL_Account object (returned by either the generate or derive methods) or an array with multiple XRPL_Account objects (multiSign).

When combining previously signed MultiSign transactions as HEX blob, the second argument can also be an array with { signedTransaction: '...' } objects (or an array of strings with the HEX blob).



Signing with one account:

lib.sign(Tx, lib.derive.familySeed('shqNUmrgnkBmK9iCijrtid2Ua4uHd'))


lib.sign(Tx, [

If you want to sign a single transaction that will be part of a MultiSigned transaction (combined later on) it's mandatory to specify the signAs account (with the chained (signAs( .. ) method). The output (signed transaction blob, hex) signed by multiple accounts can then be combined later on:

Sign a MultiSign transaction to combine later


Combine multiple signed HEX MultiSign transactions

const Tx = lib.sign([
   { signedTransaction: '120000240000000B2E000001EF614000000002FAF0806840000000000003E873008114723F34B08C70F3EF8759B1A2CD4934D434A3C2518314628891E80B72684CF065A0AE8EC3482472C1C0DCF3E010732103AC651208BDA639C7AEC10873771A5B5F1A2008CAB3B2155871EE16A966D5860774473045022100CD9BC97047BF8EE0AF2D7631540FFF4C5FFE863AFAA9E2DE7AD98156F3323CF9022031D0454947833536028029FB9B61B224F4C2BFC1D1F670C49880AD004A76315C8114723F34B08C70F3EF8759B1A2CD4934D434A3C251E1F1' },
   { signedTransaction: '12000024000000042E000001EF614000000007F81ED96840000000000003E873008114F84E8A80D08854F3621F9214D58F04D41A07EE108314F40B468D5AC0DBA36E2941877AC2E9BBD48262A1F3E010732103CA9799516799A1139BED8958A9FDD0033389396422B888A7E56FB9991B0A179E74473045022100B22D6874CC4ECC92D32E657A1F863245A4DB1B425260052A9427616BE397D244022023CA82B76ADD26909549381C5CCB7BB09084936B294577299F5796A22F5AC39E8114F40B468D5AC0DBA36E2941877AC2E9BBD48262A1E1F1' }

You can also pass the signed HEX blob as an array with strings.

Hooks Helpers

To obtain network information, fetch Hooks fees, etc. there are some helpers present in the utils object.

To prevent new connections from being setup all the time, you can connect a pre-constructed XrplClient class.

Get Account & Ledger sequences & TX network values

  client: XrplClient | string,
  account: string | Account


  networkInfo: {
    ledgerSequence: 4782267,
    accountSequence: 4404168,
    endpoint: 'wss://hooks-testnet-v3.xrpl-labs.com/',
    networkId: 21338,
    features: { hooks: true }
  txValues: {
    Account: 'rDUsh2K9rFeEZNU24zyjHD61ceeDwspFAU',
    NetworkID: 21338,
    Sequence: 4404168,
    LastLedgerSequence: 4782287,
    Fee: '0'

Get network information

If you are obtaining network information and passing a string as client, a connection will be created for you. If you want to keep the connection alive for further communcation, pass keepCreatedConnectionAlive as true, and fetch the XrplClient connection from the connection return property.

  client: XrplClient | string,
  keepCreatedConnectionAlive = false


  endpoint: string,
  networkId: number,
  ledgerSequence: number,
  ledger: number,
  amendments: string[],
  features: {
    hooks: boolean,
  connection: XrplClient,

Get network fee & network Fee based on Hooks on accounts

  client: XrplClient | string,
  tx?: string | Object,
  keepCreatedConnectionAlive = false

Returns (string in drops):


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  • wietsewind
  • n3tc4t