
1.4.2 • Public • Published



  1. This is a nodejs project, make sure you are comfortable with it.
  2. Since xlsdb can communicate with both mysql and oracle. The dependency is required beafore everything, especailly for oracle.
  3. This project now is stable.


Since the Linux OS doesn't have similar tool to pdm in Windows, most of time, the programmers have to matain the db through different scripts. Acutually, this job is quite elbow-grease. There are some points need to know:

  1. Err-prone because of the typo. Also, the laters may not have good understanding on orignal db.
  2. Low-efficiency. Multi env means multi efforts, even the compatibility issue still not completely solved.

xlsdb mainly focus on this problem, and fit in both mysql and oracle. It changes the scripting to the editing on xls and synchronize the modification to targets.


  1. 容易犯错。首先,很容易手动输入错误。然后项目交接后,新程序员对于老数据库理解问题也会造成输入错误。
  2. 效率低下。在多个环境中,需要重复劳动。然后不一定具有平台兼容性。甚至到了生产环境中,某些反复改动还需要程序员自己来操作。



npm install xlsdb

Or just download it from:


How to xls

For reference purpose, please download the whole package and check the xls/schema folder.

build database

First of all, let's create a xlsx file named systems for db connection specification.

  • Name : DB name. For oracle, the User field have to be the same name as this field. Mysql doesn't have to obey this rule.
  • Host : DB host location.
  • User : DB access user name.
  • Password : Passwod for the name.
  • LogDB : N/A
  • Description: DB comment.


  • Name : 数据库的名称,由于oracle的特殊性,一般这个字段和后面User字段一样。不过mysql不必遵守这个要求。
  • Host : 数据库服务器地址
  • User : 对应数据库访问的用户名
  • Password : 对应用户名的密码
  • LogDB : 无用
  • Description : 数据库描述


build tables

Next, we could create a xls file named gameAdmin1.xlsx to specifiy how this db orangnize. Normally, its structure is fixed: first tab must be 'Domain', which gives the list of whole db. The other tabs afterwards are designed for every table in this db respectively.



Domain tab describes the whole db:

  • Domain : use to group the table. one-many.
  • Name : table name
  • TableName : table name
  • Hierachy : N/A
  • Partition* : N/A
  • Description : table comment.


  • Domain : 用来表征Table的集合,一对多的关系。
  • Name : 名字
  • TableName : 表格名字
  • Hierachy : 无用,可以空。
  • Partition* : 可以为空
  • Description : 表格描述

Let's check one tab after the 'Domain'.


  • Name: field name

  • DataType: data type, mysql and oracle don't have same value for this field.

  • isNull: is Null?

  • isKey: is Key?

  • Default: default value

  • Description : field comment

  • Name: 字段名称

  • DataType: 数据类型,oracle与mysql不同的地方就是数据库支持的DataType不同

  • isNull: 是否为空

  • isKey: 是否为主键,可以多个key.

  • Default: 默认值

  • Description : 字段描述

xls data

How to load data by xls sheet? we need to create another file named gameAdmin1.xlsx, but not living in the same folder of previous gameAdmin1.xlsx. Its structure goes like:


xls data

  • the first row is comment for each column

  • the second row is data type,which supports string, int ,long, byte, float和date

  • the third row is field name.

  • from the forth row, the actual data are filled here.

  • the whole sheet ends with EOF at last row。

  • 第一行是对于每列的描述

  • 第二行是数据类型,支持string, int ,long, byte, float和date

  • 第三行是列名字,相当于表中的字段名字,需要一一对应。

  • 从第四行开始就是具体的数据了。

  • 最后一行用EOF表示数据的结尾。

How to use it

The very first thing usually is build a configuration file. Usually, this file is for globally config. for example:


// config.ini
; mysql related configuration
host = localhost:3306
user = root
password = somepassword

; oracle related configuration
connectString = localhost:1521/orcl
user = root
password = somepassword

; xls files path
dataDir = /path/to/xls/data/directory/
mysqlDir = /base/path/point/to/mysql/dir/
oracleDir = /base/path/point/to/oracle/dir/

next, create a config object. note: this config object will be extended with config.ini, so don't make any conflict name.


var config = {
	path : '/path/to/config.ini',
	db : 'mysql', 				// default is 'mysql', another value is 'oracle',
	schemas : 'gameAdmin1', 	// if multi schemas, like 'db1,db2'
	build : true, 				// build flag, boolean, default is 'true'
	append : false 				// append flag, boolean, default is 'false'

Let's check the final config object, if you just console it out:

	path: '/path/to/config.ini',
	db: 'oracle',
	sysConn: 'systems.xlsx',
	schemas: 'gameAdmin1',
	build: true,
	append: false,
		host: 'localhost',
 		port: '3306',
 		user: 'root',
 		password: 'somepassword'
		connectString: 'localhost:1521/orcl',
 		user: 'root',
 		password: 'somepassword'
	xlsx: { 
		dataDir: '/path/to/xls/data/directory/',
		mysqlDir: '/base/path/point/to/mysql/dir/',
		oracleDir: '/base/path/point/to/oracle/dir/' 

create new xlsdb instance passing config object as parameter:


var xlsdb = require('xlsdb');
var _xlsdb = xlsdb.create(config);

there are two public methods available for quick usage:

getConfig() // get the current config object

init(cb) // init database 

load(cb) // load data to db

For more detail, please check the test folder :)


"async": "1.x",
"lodash": "~3.10.1",
"mysql": "~2.7.0",
"optimist": "~0.6.0",
"xlsx": "~0.3.3",
"oracledb": "~1.6.0",
"ini": "~1.1.0"

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  • xiwan