This module contains formatting functions for numbers and dates.
It offers a simple interface and a configurable default behavior.
Using options you can override the default behavior and use p.e. all date formats as defined by moment.js
var format=require('x-format');
str1 = format.number({value:5,unit:'$'}), // '5.00 $'
str2 = format.number(1000,4), // '1,000.40'
str3 = format.date(1393314010759), // '02/25/2014' default format 'L'
str4 = format.date(1393314010759), // '02/25/2014'
str5 = format.date('2014'); // '01/01/2014'
format.config.locale='de'; // change the global default locale
str5_de = format.date('2014'), // '01.01.2014' as defined global, de
str5_en = format.date('2014',{locale:'en'}), // '01/01/2014' explicit with option
str6 = format.date('2014-02-22',{locale:'en'}), // '02/22/2014' ISO conversion
str7 = format.date(1393314010759,{format:'MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'}), // 'Februar 25. 2014, 8:40:10 am'
str8 = format.date(1393314010759,{format:'LLL'}), // '25. Februar 2014 8:40 Uhr'
str9 = format.date('25. Februar 2014'); // '25.02.2014' parse locale specific input
format.config.locale = 'en'
@param {locale:} contains the default locale to use globally. Default 'en'
format.number: function( value, options )
Formats number, with decimal point, thousend separators, scale and v.unit as suffix
@param {value} a number or an object like { value: <number> , unit: 'MB' }
@param {options} optional options merged with format.number.config and format.config
@return {the} formatted string
format.number.en, .de ...
contains for each locale the thousands and decimal separator:
de: { thousands:'.', decimal:',' }
contains the global default options:
@param {scale} number of digits to show. Default 2
@param {unit} show units in final string in case number is an object with a unit property. Default: true
format.date: function( date, options )
Formats a date according to the locale settings, Default format is 'L' as defined by moment.js
var str = require('x-format').date('2012-05-03', {locale:'de'}); // '03.05.2012'
@param {date} the date as a string or long a returned by Date.now()
@param {options} optional options. Example {format:'LLL', locale: 'en' }. Default format is 'L'
@return {the} formatted string