Wulp allows you to define Gulp tasks that can be run directly, and also via a watch
Registering Wulp
Wulp tasks don't do anything on their own; you must first register them with gulp via wulp.register
// Registers all wulp tasks as gulp tasks, and creates a task called `watch`// that watches for changes.wulp;
Defining a Task
var eslint = ;var gulp = ;var wulp = ; // A wulp task is defined similarly to regular gulp tasks, except it is _given_// the files it should execute over.//// When being run directly, this is whatever files match the glob. When being// run via the watch task, it is whatever matching files have changed.wulp;
Advanced Options
Wulp tasks support additional configuration via a third argument:
The supported options are:
: Accepts an array of glob expressions. When a file matching that expression changes, the task will be run with all files matching the primary glob. Great for re-running all tests after changing test configuration, for example.
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