Defines WordNet dictionary loader.
For usage examples, see wordnetdictionary.
const Book = ;// Book([index], [table], [blob])// -> Book {<index>, <table>, <blob>} // Load prebuilt book data.// -> this // Load data maps.// -> this // Build index, after loading data.// - <name func>(<name>, <index>, <table>)// -> this // Get as JSON.// -> <json> // Get name from id.// -> <name> (if word) | null (if synset) // Get lex type from id.// -> <lex type> // Get lex id from id.// -> <lex id> // Get lex number from id.// -> <lex number> // Get part of speech number from id.// -> <pos number> // Get part of speech symbol from id.// -> <pos symbol> // Get part of speech name from id.// -> <pos name> // Get lex file number from id.// -> <lex file number> // Get lex file name from id.// -> <lex file name> // Get lex file content from id.// -> <lex file content> // Check if id is lemma.// -> true | false // Check if id is synset.// -> true | false // Get synset from id.// -> <synset> // Get lemmas of id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get pointer tree from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get frames from id.// -> Set {<frame number>...} // Get frames text from id.// -> Set {<frame text>...} // Get gloss from id.// -> <gloss> // Get definition from id.// -> <definition> // Get examples from id.// -> Set {<example>...} // Get description from id.// -> <description> // Get synonyms from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get similar to pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get verb group pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get also see pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get antonym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get pertainym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get attribute pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get cause pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get entailment pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get derivationally related form pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get participle of verb pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get hypernym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get hypernym tree pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get class hypernym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get class hypernym tree pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get instance hypernym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get instance hypernym tree pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get hyponym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get hyponym tree pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get class hyponym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get class hyponym tree pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get instance hyponym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get instance hyponym tree pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get holonym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get member holonym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get substance holonym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get part holonym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get meronym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get member meronym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get substance meronym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get part meronym pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get domain of synset pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get domain of synset (topic) pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get domain of synset (region) pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get domain of synset (usage) pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get member of this domain pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get member of this domain (topic) pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get member of this domain (region) pointers from id// -> Bunch {<id>...} // Get member of this domain (usage) pointers from id.// -> Bunch {<id>...}