wmcc-daemon (WorldMobileCoin)
NOTE: The first release of wmcc-daemon.
WorldMobileCoin is a new cryptocurrency.
Official website: https://www.worldmobilecoin.com
Installation Prerequisites
NodeJS (v8.0.0+) https://nodejs.org/en/ GIT (v2) https://git-scm.com/downloads A proper C/C++ compiler:
- g++/gcc (Unix)
- Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools (Windows) ** Please refer to node-gyp for native build
To see example how to build on Ubuntu 16.04 from clean installation, click here link
$ git clone git://github.com/worldmobilecoin/wmcc-daemon.git
$ cd wmcc-daemon
$ npm install
Create Wallet
$ node ./bin/wallet
1) Enter 1
2) Enter Wallet Name
3) Enter Date of Birth
4) Enter Secret Question
5) Enter Secret Answer
6) Enter 1 to create wallet or 2 to add another secret
Get Passphrase
$ node ./bin/wallet
1) Enter 2
2) Enter Wallet Name
3) Enter Date of Birth
4) Enter Secret Answer
* Passphrase to be used in RPC/CLI.
List of Wallets
$ node ./bin/wallet
1) Enter 3
Run Node for the first time
$ node ./bin/node --wallet [walletname]
Eg: node ./bin/node --wallet "my wallet"
1) Wait for chain to synced
2) Or press cmd+c / ctrl+c
Run Daemon
$ ./bin/wmccd --wallet [walletname]
* To make sure wmcc daemon is running, enter [IP]:7880 eg. in your browser.
API Documentation
WorldMobileCoin does not guarantee you against theft or lost funds due to bugs, mishaps, or your own incompetence. You and you alone are responsible for securing your money.
Contribution and License Agreement
If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that all code is your original work.
--Copyright (c) 2017, Park Alter (pseudonym)
--Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
--file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php