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0.0.2 • Public • Published


Simple JavaScript client for WLED with support for JSON API, Websocket and DDP.


Use npm to install the package:

npm install wled-js

Getting Started

Here is an example of how you can use the WledClient to connect to a WLED device and perform some basic operations:

import WledClient from 'wled-js';

// Create a new WLED client
const client = new WledClient('XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX');

// Turn on the WLED device
client.turn(true).then(() => {
  console.log('WLED device is now on');

// Set the brightness to 128
client.setBrightness(128).then(() => {
  console.log('Brightness set to 128');

// Listen for live data
client.onLiveStreamData((colors) => {
  console.log('Live stream data:', colors);

// Trigger the live stream

const ledStrip = [
  {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0},
  {r: 0, g: 255, b: 0},
  {r: 0, g: 0, b: 255},

// Set the colors of the LED strip via DDP
setInterval(() => {
}, 500);



JSON API Methods

  • turn(on: boolean): Promise<void>: Turns on/off the LED strip.

  • setLight(color: Led, brightness: number): Promise<void>: Sets the color and brightness of the LED strip.

  • setLightPercent(color: Led, brightness: number): Promise<void>: Sets the color and brightness of the LED strip in percent.

  • setColor(color: Led): Promise<void>: Sets the color of the whole LED strip.

  • setEffect(effect: string | number): Promise<void>: Sets the effect of the LED strip (This can be the name or the index of the effect).

  • setBrightness(brightness: number): Promise<void>: Sets the brightness of the LED strip.

  • setBrightnessPercent(brightness: number): Promise<void>: Sets the brightness of the LED strip in percent.

  • updateState(state: PartialWLEDState): Promise<void>: Updates the state of the WLED device.

  • getLedCount(): Promise<number>: Retrieves the amount of LEDs from the WLED device.

  • isOn(): Promise<boolean>: Retrieves the on/off state of the WLED device.

  • getAllData(): Promise<WLEDFullResponse>: Retrieves all data from the WLED device.

  • getState(): Promise<WLEDState>: Retrieves the current state of the WLED device.

  • getEffects(): Promise<string[]>: Retrieves the available effects from the WLED device.

  • getFxData(): Promise<string[]>: Retrieves the FX data from the WLED device.

  • getNetworks(): Promise<WLEDNetworkResponse>: Retrieves the available networks from the WLED device.

  • getPalettes(): Promise<string[]>: Retrieves the available palettes from the WLED device.

  • getConfig(): Promise<WLEDConfig>: Retrieves the configuration of the WLED device.

  • getInfo(): Promise<WLEDInfo>: Retrieves the information of the WLED device.

  • getNodes(): Promise<WLEDNodesResponse>: Retrieves the available nodes from the WLED device.

  • getStateAndInfo(): Promise<WLEDStateAndInfoResponse>: Retrieves the state and information of the WLED device.

Websocket Methods

  • triggerWebsocketStateUpdate(): Promise<void>: Triggers a state update via WebSocket.
  • triggerWebsocketLiveStream(): Promise<void>: Triggers a live stream via WebSocket.
  • onStateChange(callback: WLEDStateCallback): WebsocketAddResponse: Adds a listener for state changes.
  • onLiveStreamData(callback: WLEDLiveStreamCallback): WebsocketAddResponse: Adds a listener for live stream data.


  • connect(): Promise<void>: Manually connects to the WebSocket server.
  • disconnect(): void: Disconnects from the WebSocket server.

    The connect and disconnect functions are not necessary to call manually, as they are automatically called when using the onStateChange and onLiveStreamData methods. However, they can be used to manually connect and disconnect from the WebSocket server.

DDP Methods

  • setLedStripViaDdp(ledStrip: LedStrip, disableValidation = false): Promise<void>: Sends LED data via the DDP protocol.
  • setLedStripAsBufferViaDdp(ledStrip: Buffer, ledAmount: number): Promise<void>: Sends LED data as a buffer via the DDP protocol.
  • sendDdpPacket(packet: DdpPacket): Promise<void>: Sends a DDP packet.

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  • steffen982