Tooltip with text that appears on hover over an element. It will be centered to an anchor element specified in the 'for' attribute, or, if that doesn't exist, centered to the parent node containing it.
For demo and view the complete set of wired-elememts: wiredjs.com
Learn about web components here.
Add wired-tooltip to your project:
npm i wired-tooltip
Import wired-tooltip definition into your HTML page:
Or into your module script:
Use it in your web page:
Click me! Click me!
for - Id of the element the tooltip is for. Optional.
position - String value: left/right/top/bottom. Default is bottom.
text - Text in the tooltip.
Custom CSS Variables
--wired-tooltip-border-color Border color of the tooltip. Default is currentColor.
--wired-tooltip-background Background color of the tooltip.