React Based Log Browser for WinstonJs
npm install --save winston-dashboard-lambda
Minimum requirement: Node 8
const winstonServer = require('winston-dashboard');
const path = require('path');
// Instantiate the server
path: path.join(__dirname, '/logs'), //Root path of the logs (used to not show the full path on the log selector)
logFiles: '/**/*.log', //Glob to search for logs, make sure you start with a '/'
port: 8000, // Optional custom port, defaults to 8000,
orderBy: 'creationTime' // 'creationTime' | 'modifiedTime', if none is provided then it will sort by alphabetical order
How it works
It uses options.path and options.logFiles to look for all logs. Each one of these logs is instantiated as a Transport.
Server provides query api for these transports.
What you can do
- Picks up new log files every minute
- Filter logs with an input. useful when you have a lot of log files, for example daily files.
- Filter logs with an input
- Filter by maximum level (if Info is selected verbose and silly wont show).
- Select amount of rows to show.
- Paginate
What it cant do
It cannot sort even thought he Api provides a way to do so because the order 'desc' has a bug and does not paginate.
Cannot filter by time. if you are really interested in this and just let me know and i can make it work. I had it at some point but while investingating the transport query function i removed this functionality.
- Add a refresh button
Make Contribution
npm i concurrently --save-dev
npm build
npm login
npm publish
In node js software folder, node-sass\4.5.0 folder is still created in npm-cache folder. So I download win32-x64-48_binding.node manually, put it in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\node-sass\4.5.0 folder. And run npm install command, issue resolved.