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Windwalker Fusion

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Windwalker Fusion provides a clean, fluent API for calling Gulp stream ans tasks to compile your code. Fusion supports several common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors.

This project is inspired by Laravel Mix but based on Gulp.js.


Getting Started

mkdir myapp && cd myapp
npm install windwalker-fusion --save-dev
cp -r node_modules/windwalker-fusion/config/fusionfile.js ./

The fusionfile.js is your configuration on top of Gulp. The example code is:

const fusion = require('windwalker-fusion');

// The task `main`
fusion.task('main', function () {'src/scss/**/*.scss');

  fusion.sass('src/scss/**/*.scss', 'dist/app.css');


It is very similar to Gulp does.

Then run:

node node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js --gulpfile fusionfile.js

Gulp will help you compile all .scss files to dist/app.css and generate below files:

  • dist/app.css
  • dist/app.min.css
  • dist/

You can add --watch to watch src/scss/**/*.scss and re-compile, or add --livereload to refresh browser after built.

Livereload must works with browser extension or desktop app.

NPM Script

You can also add some pre-defined script to package.json to speed up your workflow.

  "scripts": {
    "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js --gulpfile=fusionfile.js",
    "watch": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js --gulpfile=fusionfile.js --watch=1",
    "watch:reload": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js --gulpfile=fusionfile.js --watch=1 --livereload=1",
    "prod": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js --gulpfile=fusionfile.js"

If you want to add more options to npm scripts, use -- [--options]:

npm run watch:reload -- --port=xxxxx

Or execute particular tasks

npm run watch -- task1 task2

How Fusion Works

Fusion is a Gulp wrap with some pre-defined flow, for example, you can use this simple code to compile SCSS files:

fusion.sass('src/**/*.scss', 'dist/');

Which is same as:

const gulp = require('gulp');
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const rewriteCSS = require('gulp-rewrite-css');

    .pipe({ style: 'expanded' })
    .pipe(rewriteCSS({destination: 'dist/'}))
    .pipe(autoprefixer("last 3 version", "safari 5", "ie 9-11"))
    .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))


Fusion must use task to wrap every compile flow:

fusion.task('css', () => {
  // ...

fusion.task('js', () => {
  // ...

fusion.default(['css', 'js']);

Then the last fusion.default([tasks]) defines the default tasks. So if you call gulp without and arguments, Fusion will execute css and js two tasks automatically. You can also use gulp css to execute particular task.

More about Gulp tasks please see: Gulp doc


You can define the watch files to auto compile when file changes. You can use default Gulp syntax to define watchers.

fusion.task('css', () => {
  // ...

fusion.task('js', () => {
  // ...

fusion.task('watch', () => {'src/**/*.scss', ['css']);['src/**/*.js', '!./**/*.min.js'], ['js']);

fusion.default(['css', 'js']);

Use gulp watch to run watch task, then gulp will listen files to update css and js tasks.

But Fusion provides a more convenience way to set watch files in every task:

fusion.task('css', () => {'src/**/*.scss');
  // ...

fusion.task('js', () => {['src/**/*.js', '!./**/*.min.js']);
  // ...

fusion.default(['css', 'js', 'watch']);

Only send first glob argument to watch, then watcher will only watch this task. Then use gulp --watch to enable watchers, otherwise it will be ignored.


All fusion method provides livereload. Just use gulp --watch --livereload to enable it.

You can just watch a file to reload after changes without compile:


Or manually raise reload:


See Gulp livereload.reload()

Fusion API

Fusion methods

Fusion provides simple interface to build Gulp stream flow, there are some tips about how to use it:

One source file and no dest file.

Compile one file, and save compiled file to same folder:

// Generate app.css / app.min.css / to same folder.

One source file and dest file or dir.

Compile one file, and save compiled file as new file and position:

// Generate app.css / app.min.css / to /dist folder.
fusion.sass('src/css/app.scss', 'dist/app.css');

fusion.sass('src/css/app.scss', 'dist/');

Multiple source file and no dest file.

Compile multiple files, and save compiled files to same folder:

// Generate *.css / *.min.css / * to same folder.

fusion.sass(['src/css/a.scss', 'src/css/b.scss']);

Multiple source file and dest folder.

Compile multiple files, and save compiled files to new position with same structure:

// Generate *.css / *.min.css / * to /dist/**
fusion.sass('src/css/**/*.scss', 'dist/');

fusion.sass(['src/css/a.scss', 'src/css/b.scss'], 'dist/');

Multiple source file and one dest file.

Use gulp-concat to merge all files to one file and compile to one file.

// Merge all *.scss files and generate app.css / app.min.css / to /dist.
fusion.sass('src/css/**/*.scss', 'dist/app.css');

fusion.sass(['src/css/a.scss', 'src/css/b.scss'], 'dist/app.css');

Add Options

fusion.sass('src/css/**/*.scss', 'dist/', {minify: false});


All Fusion proxy methods will return gulp stream:

  .on('end', () => {
    // ...

Available APIs

js(source, dest, options)

Minify JS file and create sourcemap:

Available (default) options:

  • sourcemap: true
  • minify: true
  • suffix: false

NOTE If js() dest position is NULL without suffix, if will not override self.

babel(source, dest, options)

Use Babel to transpile ES6, ES7 to ES5 and create minify files.

Available (default) options:

  • sourcemap: true
  • minify: true
  • suffix: false (You can add -es5 to suffix that will create {name}-es5.js and {name}-es5.min.js)
  • presets: ['ex2015', 'stage-2']

NOTE If babel() dest position is NULL without suffix, if will not override self.

See Babel Presets

ts(source, dest, options) or typeScript()

Compile TypeScript to JS and create minify files. you can also transpile to ES5 code.

By default, the ts: target is es6 so fusion will compile to ES6 code, if you need ES5, just set ts: target as es5.

Available (default) options:

  • sourcemap: true
  • minify: true
  • ts: { declaration: false, target: 'es6' } (Same as tsconfig.json)

See: tsconfig.json

NOTE If you merge multiple .ts file to one file, Fusion will auto set ts: module to amd.

less(source, dest, options)

Compile LESS to CSS file and create sourcemap and minified file.

Available (default) options:

  • sourcemap: true
  • minify: true
  • autoprefixer: true
  • rebase: true (rewrite url() to dest folder)

sass(source, dest, options)

Compile SASS/SCSS to CSS file and create sourcemap and minified file.

Available (default) options:

  • sourcemap: true
  • minify: true
  • autoprefixer: true
  • rebase: true (rewrite url() to dest folder)

copy(source, dest, options)

Simple copy files command.

livereload(source, options = {})

Create a stream with liverelaod listener.

See: gulp-livereload

reload(source, options = {})

Immediate reload. Must provide a file path:



Use through2.obj(func) to add custom callback to pipe.

    .pipe(fusion.through(function (chunk, encoding, callback) {
        // ...
        // Must execute callback to tell gulp pipe end

See: through2


Same as gulp.task('default', [...tasks])

enableNotification() and disableNotification()

Enable and disable desktop notification.




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