Reads the accent color, theme, and transparency settings from Windows 10 registry.
Created for usage in Electron apps.
const winColor = console // could be #4ca0fe. or anything else.// ^ this is at least not a completely arbitrary color since it's// the default blue window chrome color that ships with Windows 8
Works with...
Windows 10.
It's pretty simple. Grab the module and then go for it:
const winColor = require('windows10-fluently-color')
Stuff you can access on the winColor.titlebarColor
Returns the color of the your Windows machines' title bar as a hex string.
Returns the color of the title bar on an inactive window.
Returns true if the user is using the ligth theme.
Returns true if the user is using the transparency settings.
Returns a boolean indicating if the running OS is generally supported to read colors from. Does not check for other limitations like those stated above.
Freshly loads the colors from the Registry. This is also done on initiation so typically you won't ever need to call this.
Returns a hash containing the registry values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM
key entries, converted to either boolean or hex color strings. For example my personal Windows 10 hash looks like this:
Composition: true ColorizationGlassAttribute: false EnableAeroPeek: true ColorPrevalence: true AccentColor: '#484a4c' ColorizationColor: '#4c4a48' ColorizationColorBalance: '#000059' ColorizationAfterglow: '#4c4a48' ColorizationAfterglowBalance: '#00000a' ColorizationBlurBalance: true EnableWindowColorization: true AppsUseLightTheme: true EnableTransparency: true