This tool is just meant to quickly generate an Angular Playground Sandbox config, so you can start enjoying your WebMap templates using Angular Playground
An example of how to use it is:
node index.js /Users/mauriciorojas/WebMAPDemos/src/WFNet/SKS/SKS_Web/Upgraded/sks-angular/src/app/components/sks/frm-customers/frm-customers.component.html /Users/mauriciorojas/WebMAPDemos/src/WFNet/SKS/SKS_Web/Upgraded/sks-angular/src/app SKS
Also note that you might need to copy the styles section to look like "src/styles.css", "node_modules/@progress/kendo-theme-default/dist/all.css",
In some cases I have needed to modify the index.html adding links to web fonts for example:
I hope you enjoy it.
Atte. Mauricio Rojas