Polyfills for advanced WebAuthn methods not yet supported in evergreen browsers.
A polyfill is a piece of code used to provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not natively support it.
This package can be installed from NPM:
npm install webauthn-polyfills
This package is also available from JSR.io:
deno add jsr:@passkeys/webauthn-polyfills
npx jsr add @passkeys/webauthn-polyfills
Just by importing webauthn-polyfills, your WebAuthn implementation will get the following support so you don't have to worry about backward compatibility:
WebAuthn request and response objects have multiple fields that contain raw binary data in an ArrayBuffer, such as the credential ID, user ID, or challenge. If a website wants to use JSON to exchange this data with its server, the binary data must first be encoded, for example with Base64URL. This adds unnecessary complexity for developers that want to start using passkeys on their websites.
WebAuthn offers APIs to parse PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions
WebAuthn request objects directly from JSON,
and serialize the PublicKeyCredential
response directly into JSON. All
ArrayBuffer-valued fields that carry raw binary data are automatically converted
from or to their Base64URL-encoded values.
method allows to determine which WebAuthn features are
supported by the user's client. The method returns a list of supported
capabilities, allowing developers to tailor authentication experiences and
workflows based on the client's specific functionality. Expected results include:
This polyfill returns static results based on the user agent information except
for hybridTransport
and passkeyPlatformAuthenticaator
- Deno v2.1.x
# Install dependencies
$ deno install
# Run tests once
$ deno task test
# Re-run tests on changes
$ deno task test:watch
🚨 Increment "version"
in deno.json before proceeding! 🚨
To publish to NPM, run the following command:
deno task publish:npm
The following command will publish to JSR.io:
deno task publish:jsr