Firefox App Validator (central module)
This node module runs both the manifest and icon validation rules. Expects the webapp manifest to be in a development environement, so paths are by default interpreted as being relative to the manifest's location.
Configuration setup
If you are using a custom 'fs' or 'url' module instead of the node one, then you can override the paths to these modules in config.json using config.json-dist as the sample.
var WebAppValidator = require('webapp-validator-central');
// The constructor can optionally be supplied with an argument to validate icon paths absolute
var validator = new WebAppValidator();
validator.validate('/path/to/manifest.webapp', { url: false, packaged: false }, function (err, results) {
// First argument is a path to the manifest file, second argument is where you can override node's URL module and/or set a packaged app
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