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0.2.0 • Public • Published


Library for building Javascript applications that integrate with


npm install watchtower-cash-js

Subscribe an Address

For Watchtower to keep watch of the transactions of an address, it needs to be subscribed. A convenient function is included here to subscribe an address.

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

// Subscribe function accepts either BCH or SLP address
const data = {
  projectId: '0000-0000-0000',  // <-- Generate this ID by creating a project at
  addresses: {
    receiving: 'simpleledger:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuq8sjhpv6x',
    change: '' // <-- (Optional) If you want to subscribe a change address along with the receiving one
  walletHash: 'abcd0123456', // <-- (Optional) You generate this to track which HD wallet the address belongs to
  addressIndex: 0, // <-- (Optional) The index used to generate this address from HD wallet
  webhookUrl: ''  // <-- (Optional) Your webhook receiver URL

watchtower.subscribe(data).then(function (result) {
  if (result.success) {
    // Your logic here when subscription is successful
  } else {
    // Your logic here when subscription fails

Send BCH

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  sender: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuqttev5vyc',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  recipients: [
      address: 'bitcoincash:qpq82xgmau3acnuvypkyj0khks4a6ak7zq7pzjmnfe',
      amount: 0.5
    // <-- You can add more recipients into this array
  //Fee funder (Optional) <-- if feeFunder is set, fees will be paid by this address
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qr5ntfv5j7308fsuh08sqxkgp9m87cqqtq3rvgnma9',
    wif: 'YYY'  // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  // Change address (Optional) <-- set a custom change address
  changeAddress: 'bitcoincash:qzrhqu0jqslzt9kppw8gtwlkhqwnfrn2dc63yv2saj'
  // Data (Optional) <-- embed some string data in OP_RETURN
  data: 'Hello world!',
  // Broadcast (Optional) <-- Broadcast or just return raw transaction hex
  broadcast: true  // true by default

watchtower.BCH.send(data).then(function (result) {
  if (result.success) {
    // Your logic here when send transaction is successful

    // or if broadcast is set to false, you can just get the raw transaction hex
  } else {
    // Your logic here when send transaction fails

Create SLP Type1 Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  creator: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  initialMintRecipient: 'simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6', // <-- SLP address recipient for initial minted tokens (if initialQty !== 0)
  mintBatonRecipient: 'simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6', // <-- (optional) SLP address recipient for minting baton used to mint tokens in the future, supply this parameter if fixedSupply = false
  name: 'Test Token',
  ticker: 'TEST',
  decimals: 8,
  initialQty: 10,
  broadcast: false,
  fixedSupply: false // <-- set true if you dont want any minting in the future (defaults to false)

watchtower.SLP.Type1.create(data).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {

Mint SLP Type1 Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  minter: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuq8sjhpv6x',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'YYY' // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  tokenId: '7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1', // <-- token ID of SLP token you want to mint
  additionalMintRecipient: 'simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6', // <-- SLP address recipient of minted tokens
  mintBatonRecipient: 'simpleledger:qrx30gydrlpt2nqc7zrnh74n3ft4dkd8duq9xy6tyk', // <-- (optional) SLP address recipient of minting baton. supply this parameter if passMintingBaton = true
  quantity: 20, // <-- amount of token you want to mint
  broadcast: false,
  passMintingBaton: false // <-- set this to true if you want to mint more tokens in the future (true by default)
} => {
}).catch(err => {

Send SLP Type1 Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  sender: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuq8sjhpv6x',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  tokenId: '7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1',
  recipients: [
      address: 'simpleledger:qpq82xgmau3acnuvypkyj0khks4a6ak7zqj6ffwnh8',
      amount: 101
    } // <-- You can add more recipients into this array
  // Fee funder (Optional) <-- if feeFunder is set, fees will be paid by this address
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'YYY' // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  // Change addresses (Optional) <-- set a custom change addresses
  changeAddresses: {
    slp: 'simpleledger:qzn4k4lm22rlzlyjccz4r29mz0wpuf9gz5zj2l9w6y',
    bch: 'bitcoincash:qp46gzcw0ycxtnngrhp0xddp2qxnyjnepg2qc02eeh'
  // Broadcast (Optional) <-- Broadcast or just return raw transaction hex
  broadcast: true  // true by default

watchtower.SLP.Type1.send(data).then(function (result) {
  if (result.success) {
    // Your logic here when send transaction is successful

    // or if broadcast is set to false, you can just get the raw transaction hex
  } else {
    // Your logic here when send transaction fails

Burn SLP Type1 Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  sender: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuq8sjhpv6x',
    wif: 'XXX' // <-- private key of the sender address
  recipients: [
      address: "simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6",
      amount: 10
  tokenId: "d3e5fbd9e4a6f76e6f91dc5ce878a87e315da409964db21e77dd42f2d2eb2ef6",
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'YYY' // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  changeAddresses: {
    bch: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    slp: "simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6"
  broadcast: false,
  burn: true // <-- true = burn, false = normal send (this param defaults to false)

watchtower.SLP.Type1.send(data).then(function (result) {

Create NFT1 Group/Parent Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  creator: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  initialMintRecipient: 'simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6', // <-- SLP address recipient for initial minted tokens (if initialQty !== 0)
  mintBatonRecipient: 'simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6', // <-- (optional) SLP address recipient for minting baton used to mint tokens in the future, supply this parameter if fixedSupply = false
  name: 'Test Token NFT',
  ticker: 'TEST-NFT',
  initialQty: 1000,
  broadcast: false,
  fixedSupply: true // <-- set true if you dont want any minting in the future (defaults to false)

watchtower.SLP.NFT1.Parent.create(data).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {

Mint NFT1 Group/Parent Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  minter: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuq8sjhpv6x',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'YYY' // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  tokenId: '7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1', // <-- token ID of SLP-NFT1 group token you want to mint
  additionalMintRecipient: 'simpleledger:qr86pte8hwcljn5cyq3mj7v8s7lvs2p4muddzescf6', // <-- SLP address recipient of minted tokens
  mintBatonRecipient: 'simpleledger:qrx30gydrlpt2nqc7zrnh74n3ft4dkd8duq9xy6tyk', // <-- (optional) SLP address recipient of minting baton. supply this parameter if passMintingBaton = true
  quantity: 20, // <-- amount of token you want to mint
  broadcast: false,
  passMintingBaton: false // <-- set this to true if you want to mint more tokens in the future (true by default)
} => {
}).catch(err => {

Send NFT1 Group/Parent Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')

const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  sender: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuq8sjhpv6x',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'YYY' // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  tokenId: '7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1',
  recipients: [
      address: 'simpleledger:qpq82xgmau3acnuvypkyj0khks4a6ak7zqj6ffwnh8',
      amount: 10

watchtower.SLP.NFT1.Parent.send(data).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {

Create NFT1 Child Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const groupTokenBalData = {
  groupTokenId: 'f019cfa73559836c13e00d70e7105d4d43377bb6a9861595a7b2373a66aa0bc7', // <-- NFT parent token ID
  wallet: 'simpleledger:qpq82xgmau3acnuvypkyj0khks4a6ak7zqj6ffwnh8' // <-- address or wallet hash

const mintBatonData = {
  sender: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qp3et5cla7jju6z2lfc5v9nr0r4q54edqqdl5mxfjc',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qp0wsj9va2srz6vhr6555e2jglm2y3q97vy4eks3gt',
    wif: 'YYY' // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  groupTokenId: 'f019cfa73559836c13e00d70e7105d4d43377bb6a9861595a7b2373a66aa0bc7', // <-- NFT parent token ID
  recipient: 'simpleledger:qp3et5cla7jju6z2lfc5v9nr0r4q54edqqdl5mxfjc', // <-- only 1 since every NFT is unique and amount is always 1
  // Change address (Optional) <-- set a custom change BCH address (fee funder address by default)
  changeAddress: 'bitcoincash:qp46gzcw0ycxtnngrhp0xddp2qxnyjnepg2qc02eeh',
  // Broadcast (Optional) <-- Broadcast or just return raw transaction hex
  broadcast: true  // true by default

const createChildNftData = {
  sender: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qqz95enwd6qdcy5wnf05hp590sjjknwfuq8sjhpv6x',
    wif: 'XXX'  // <-- private key of the sender address
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qq46tffgznfew8e78dkyt56k9xcmetnelcma256km7',
    wif: 'YYY' // <-- private key of the feeFunder address
  groupTokenId: 'f019cfa73559836c13e00d70e7105d4d43377bb6a9861595a7b2373a66aa0bc7', // <-- NFT parent token ID
  recipient: 'simpleledger:qpq82xgmau3acnuvypkyj0khks4a6ak7zqj6ffwnh8', // <-- only 1 since every NFT is unique and amount is always 1
  label: 'My Unique NFT Token',
  ticker: 'UNI-NFT', // <-- NFT symbol / abbreviation
  docUrl: '', // (Optional) <-- Document URL of token
  // Change address (Optional) <-- set a custom change BCH address (fee funder address by default)
  changeAddress: 'bitcoincash:qp46gzcw0ycxtnngrhp0xddp2qxnyjnepg2qc02eeh',
  // Broadcast (Optional) <-- Broadcast or just return raw transaction hex
  broadcast: true  // true by default

// check Parent Group token balance
watchtower.SLP.NFT1.Parent.getGroupTokenBalance(groupTokenBalData).then(result => {
  if (result.success) {
  } else {

watchtower.SLP.NFT1.Parent.generateMintingBatonUtxo(mintBatonData).then(result => {
  console.log('MINT baton UTXO result:')
  if (result.success) {
    watchtower.SLP.NFT1.Parent.createChildNft(createChildNftData).then(result => {
      console.log('Create Child NFT result')

      if (result.success) {
          // Your logic here when send transaction is successful

          // or if broadcast is set to false, you can just get the raw transaction hex
      } else {
          // logic when it fails
  } else {

Send NFT1 Child Token

const Watchtower = require('watchtower-cash-js')
const watchtower = new Watchtower()

const data = {
  sender: {
    address: 'simpleledger:qzwu2vrwcaf9mjhe4p4wl50s0x5cx46nxc02qg92a9',
    wif: 'XXX' // <-- sender wif
  feeFunder: {
    address: 'bitcoincash:qp0wsj9va2srz6vhr6555e2jglm2y3q97vy4eks3gt',
    wif: 'YYY' // <--- fee funder wif
  childTokenId: '5c9aec029dcdea655622fcccfd279b2bc5e300c959f7009dc3c8c20a6905b8fd', // <-- child NFT token id to be sent
  recipient: 'simpleledger:qzstfxd0s849y0gym65mqutvtkdurn77tvgjk27537',
  // Change address (Optional) <-- set a custom change BCH address (fee funder address by default)
  changeAddress: 'bitcoincash:qp46gzcw0ycxtnngrhp0xddp2qxnyjnepg2qc02eeh',
  // Broadcast (Optional) <-- Broadcast or just return raw transaction hex
  broadcast: true  // true by default

watchtower.SLP.NFT1.Child.send(data).then(result => {
  if (result.success) {
    // Your logic here when send transaction is successful

    // or if broadcast is set to false, you can just get the raw transaction hex
  } else {
    // logic when it fails




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  • joemarct