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Connect your dApp to RSK blockchain and SSI in breeze

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rLogin is a tool that allows the front end developer to connect their user with blockchain functionalities and self-sovereign identity models seamlessly. It provides a standard button and a pop-up that, within its different flavors, allows the developer to correctly authenticate a user following the Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials protocols. In addition, it will allow the developer to interact with a user-centric cloud like service called the data vault. This service can be used to store and retrieve user's information with their permission.

Read the docs for more information and integration guidelines.


  • Supported wallet providers
  • Supported networks
    • RSK Mainnet
    • RSK Testnet
    • Ethereum Mainnet
    • Ganache (test network)
  • Add or Switch to Network if the user is on a different network.
    • Supports RSK networks, but open to PRs for additional chains

Portis Support

Portis is not EIP1193 compatible, however, rLogin creates a wrapper for it allowing .request methods to be called. Portis does not estimate the gasPrice correctly on RSK, so the wrapper will get the correct amount from the previous block. You can override this setting by passing gasPrice with your transaction. If your code uses the older send or sendAsync methods, you will also need to send the gasPrice attribute or the amount Portis adds will be too low.

The following methods are confirmed to work: eth_chainId, eth_accounts, net_version, eth_getBlockByNumber, eth_sendTransaction, eth_sendRawTransaction, personal_sign, eth_signTypedData.

Quick start

  1. Install rLogin

    npm i @rsksmart/rlogin
  2. Create rLogin DOM element, configure supported networks and wallet providers

    import RLogin from '@rsksmart/rlogin'
    import WalletConnectProvider from '@walletconnect/web3-provider'
    export const rLogin = new RLogin({
      cachedProvider: false,
      providerOptions: {
        walletconnect: {
          package: WalletConnectProvider,
          options: {
            rpc: {
              1: 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/8043bb2cf99347b1bfadfb233c5325c0',
              30: 'https://public-node.rsk.co',
              31: 'https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co'
      supportedChains: [1, 30, 31]

    Sample: https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-identity-manager/blob/main/src/rLogin.ts

  3. Show the pop-up to the user

    const handleLogin = () => {
          .then((rLoginResponse: any) => {
            const provider = rLoginResponse.provider;
            const dataVault = rLoginResponse.dataVault;
            const disconnect = rLoginResponse.disconnect;
            // save the response to be used later, here we are using React context
          .catch((err: string) => console.log(err))

    Sample: https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-identity-manager/blob/main/src/app/LoginScreen.tsx

  4. Request RPC methods

    export const getAccounts = (provider: any) => provider.request({ method: 'eth_accounts' })

    Or use provider as Web3 provider for your client of preference: Web3.js, ethjs, ethers.js or other.

    Sample: https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-identity-manager/blob/main/src/helpers.ts


  • Fully-decentralized apps: this kind of apps are used only client-side. The front-end will need to know user's address and information for presentational purposes. The core operations are performed using blockchain transactions.

  • Open apps: this are apps that can be accessed by anyone controlling a wallet. This apps are usually decentralized applications where user relays some operations to a centralized service. This applications need a challenge-response authentication - use a seamless setup with @rsksmart/express-did-auth

  • Permissioned apps: for example, apps using Google OAuth to receive user's email are categorized in this flavor. This process of requesting credentials to grant user access is common and usually relies on centralized data silos. This dApp flavor will cover requesting user's Verifiable Credentials in a fully user-centric manner - this is setup in the backend activating Selective disclosure requests

  • Closed apps: for example, a back office. This are apps that only specific user's can access. This flavor is used to prove the user accessing an app holds or is delegated by a specific identity - perform this validations in your server's business logic

Set up for the different flavors

  • Fully-decentralized apps:
  import RLogin from '@rsksmart/rlogin'

  export const rLogin = new RLogin({
    cachedProvider: false,
    providerOptions: {
      // providers configurations
    supportedChains: [1, 30, 31]
  • Open apps:
  import RLogin from '@rsksmart/rlogin'
  export const rLogin = new RLogin({
    cachedProvider: false,
    providerOptions: {
      // providers configurations
    supportedChains: [1, 30, 31],
    backendUrl: 'http://url-to-backend'  // just add the backend url
  • Permissioned apps:
  import RLogin from '@rsksmart/rlogin'
  import * as RIFDataVault from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

  export const rLogin = new RLogin({
    cachedProvider: false,
    providerOptions: {
      // providers configurations
    supportedChains: [1, 30, 31],
    backendUrl: 'http://url-to-backend',
     // add the modules that will handle the data vault connection and the service url for the supported networks
    dataVaultOptions: {
      package: RIFDataVault,
      serviceUrl: 'https://data-vault.identity.rifos.org'

The code

The tool tries not to re-implement functionalities that are provided by other libraries. The work is strongly based on:

  • web3modal
    • Wallet provider integrations are imported from npm package
    • Core and components are re-implemented to enable developing custom UX flow and custom components

Run for development

Install dependencies - downloads and install dependencies from npm

npm i

Run tests - runs with jest

npm test

Currently, there are no tests :(. Please test it with a sample app.

The best way to test it is to run npm build:dev to update the bundle after saving files. You will need to reload page after rebuilding, that is not automated yet.

Lint - runs eslint syntax checks

npm run lint

Build for production - builds umd into dist/main.js

npm run build

Build in watch mode - builds each time a file in src/ is updated

npm run build:dev

Serve the library - serves the library in http://localhost:5005

npm run serve

Metamask cannot be accessed without http - see https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/a/62217/620

Cypress end-to-end testing

To run the cypress E2E testing scripts, start the app using the permissioned flavor:

npm run sample:permissioned

Then in a new terminal, run start the Cypress app and interact with the tests:

npm run cypress:open

The Cypress tests can also be run in a headless browser by running the command:

npm run cypress:run

Sample apps

Please first build for production.

Flavor Import from Location Command
Fully-decentralized HTML DOM ./sample/decentralized npm run sample:dapp Serves the library in http://localhost:3005 and a dApp in http://localhost:3006. Go to 3006 with your browser
Open app HTML DOM ./sample/with_be npm run sample:open Serves the library in http://localhost:3005, dApp in http://localhost:3006/?backend=yes and back end in http://localhost:3007. This mode will not ask for Data Vault access. Go to 3006 with your browser
Permissioned app HTML DOM ./sample/decentralized npm run sample:permissioned Serves the library in http://localhost:3005, dApp in http://localhost:3006 and back end in http://localhost:3007. This mode will ask for Data Vault access. Go to 3006 with your browser


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  • zahu