
1.0.28 • Public • Published


An operator for websocket in nodejs and browser.

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To view documentation or get support, visit docs.


w-runqws includes 2 parts:

  • w-runqws-server: for nodejs server
  • w-runqws-client: for nodejs and browser client


Using npm(ES6 module):

Note: w-runqws-server is mainly dependent on w-converws and w-orm-mongodb.

Note: w-runqws-client is mainly dependent on w-websocket-client and w-converws.

npm i w-runqws

Example for w-runqws-server:

Link: [dev source code]

import WRunqwsServer from 'w-runqws/dist/w-runqws-server.umd.js'

let opt = {
    mongoUrl: 'mongodb://username:password@',
    mongoDb: 'wqws',
    mongoCl: 'queues',
    port: 8080,
    authenticate: async function(token) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 1000)

let wo = new WRunqwsServer(opt)

wo.on('open', function() {
    console.log(`Server running at: ws://localhost:${opt.port}`)

    // //broadcast
    // let n = 0
    // setInterval(() => {
    //     n += 1
    //     wo.broadcast(`server: broadcast: hi(${n})`)
    // }, 1000)

wo.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log(`Server[port:${opt.port}]: error`, err)
wo.on('clientChange', function(clients) {
    console.log(`Server[port:${opt.port}]: now clients: ${clients.length}`)
wo.on('execute', function(func, input, cb) {
    console.log(`Server[port:${opt.port}]: execute`, func, input)

    // if (func === 'add') {
    //     let r = input.p1 + input.p2
    //     cb(r)
    // }

wo.on('broadcast', function(data) {
    console.log(`Server[port:${opt.port}]: broadcast`, data)
wo.on('deliver', function(data) {
    console.log(`Server[port:${opt.port}]: deliver`, data)

Example for w-runqws-client:

Consumer, Link: [dev source code]

Consumer gets missions from Producer, and handles each queue.

import WRunqwsClient from 'w-runqws/dist/w-runqws-client.umd.js'

let opt = {
    url: 'ws://localhost:8080',
    token: '*',
    takeNumLimit: 1, //0 for non-blocking, 1~n for blocking and need to call cb() in queueChange

let missionTopic = 'parser|texts'

let wo = new WRunqwsClient(opt)

wo.on('open', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: open')

    // //delQueueByTopic
    // wo.delQueueByTopic(missionTopic)
    //     .then(function(msg) {
    //         console.log('delQueueByTopic', msg)
    //     })


wo.on('openOnce', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: openOnce')
wo.on('close', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: close')
wo.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: error', err)
wo.on('reconn', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: reconn')
wo.on('broadcast', function(data) {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: broadcast', data)
wo.on('deliver', function(data) {
    //console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: deliver', data)
wo.on('queueChange', function(topic, id, input, output, state, cb) {
    //console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: queueChange', topic, id, input, output, state, cb)

    //ready queue
    if (topic === missionTopic && state === 'ready') {
        console.log('queueChange', input, output, state)

        setTimeout(function() {

            output = 'done(' + input.replace('#', '') + ')'

            state = 'finish'

            wo.modifyQueue(topic, id, input, output, state)

            console.log('queueChange done', input, output, state)

        }, 1000)

    else {

        //console.log('queueChange skip', input, output, state)



// blocking, takeNumLimit=1
// queueChange #1 null ready
// queueChange done #1 done(1) finish
// queueChange #2 null ready
// queueChange done #2 done(2) finish
// queueChange #3 null ready
// queueChange done #3 done(3) finish
// queueChange #4 null ready
// queueChange done #4 done(4) finish
// queueChange #5 null ready
// queueChange done #5 done(5) finish
// queueChange #6 null ready
// queueChange done #6 done(6) finish
// queueChange #7 null ready
// queueChange done #7 done(7) finish
// queueChange #8 null ready
// queueChange done #8 done(8) finish
// queueChange #9 null ready
// queueChange done #9 done(9) finish
// queueChange #10 null ready
// queueChange done #10 done(10) finish

// blocking, takeNumLimit=2
// queueChange #1 null ready
// queueChange #2 null ready
// queueChange done #1 done(1) finish
// queueChange #3 null ready
// queueChange done #2 done(2) finish
// queueChange #4 null ready
// queueChange done #3 done(3) finish
// queueChange #5 null ready
// queueChange done #4 done(4) finish
// queueChange #6 null ready
// queueChange done #5 done(5) finish
// queueChange #7 null ready
// queueChange done #6 done(6) finish
// queueChange #8 null ready
// queueChange done #7 done(7) finish
// queueChange #9 null ready
// queueChange done #8 done(8) finish
// queueChange #10 null ready
// queueChange done #9 done(9) finish
// queueChange done #10 done(10) finish

// non-blocking, takeNumLimit=0
// queueChange #1 null ready
// queueChange #2 null ready
// queueChange #3 null ready
// queueChange #4 null ready
// queueChange #5 null ready
// queueChange #6 null ready
// queueChange #7 null ready
// queueChange #8 null ready
// queueChange #9 null ready
// queueChange #10 null ready
// queueChange done #1 done(1) finish
// queueChange done #2 done(2) finish
// queueChange done #3 done(3) finish
// queueChange done #4 done(4) finish
// queueChange done #5 done(5) finish
// queueChange done #6 done(6) finish
// queueChange done #7 done(7) finish
// queueChange done #8 done(8) finish
// queueChange done #9 done(9) finish
// queueChange done #10 done(10) finish

Producer, Link: [dev source code]

Producer sends missions to Consumer.

import WRunqwsClient from 'w-runqws/dist/w-runqws-client.umd.js'

let opt = {
    url: 'ws://localhost:8080',
    token: '*',
    //takeNumLimit: 0, //no restrictions required for producer

let missionTopic = 'parser|texts'

let wo = new WRunqwsClient(opt)

wo.on('open', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: open')


    function addMission(n) {

        let input = '#' + n

        let option = {}

        wo.pushQueue(missionTopic, input, option)


    let n = 0
    let t = setInterval(function() {
        n += 1
        if (n === 10) {
    }, 20)

wo.on('openOnce', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: openOnce')
wo.on('close', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: close')
wo.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: error', err)
wo.on('reconn', function() {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: reconn')
wo.on('broadcast', function(data) {
    console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: broadcast', data)
wo.on('deliver', function(data) {
    //console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: deliver', data)
wo.on('queueChange', function(topic, id, input, output, state) {
    //console.log('client nodejs[port:8080]: queueChange', topic, id, input, output, state)

In a complicated situation:

Consumer, Link: [dev source code]

Producer, Link: [dev source code]

  1. Producer sends missions to Consumer.
  2. Consumer handles each queue.
  3. Consumer produces the other result(for combination e.g.), and saves it in a queue.
  4. Producer gets results from the queue.
  5. Producer removes queues in database.

In a browser(UMD module):

Note: w-runqws-client does't depend on any package.

[Necessary] Add script for w-runqws-client.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/w-runqws@1.0.28/dist/w-runqws-client.umd.js"></script>

Example for w-runqws-client:

Consumer, Link: [dev source code]

Consumer gets missions from Producer, and handles each queue.

let opt = {
    url: 'ws://localhost:8080',
    token: '*',
    takeNumLimit: 1, //0 for non-blocking, 1~n for blocking and need to call cb() in queueChange

let missionTopic = 'parser|texts'

let WRunqwsClient = window['w-runqws-client']
let wo = new WRunqwsClient(opt)

wo.on('open', function() {
    console.log('client web: open')

    // //delQueueByTopic
    // wo.delQueueByTopic(missionTopic)
    //     .then(function(msg) {
    //         console.log('delQueueByTopic', msg)
    //     })


wo.on('openOnce', function() {
    console.log('client web: openOnce')
wo.on('close', function() {
    console.log('client web: close')
wo.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log('client web: error', err)
wo.on('reconn', function() {
    console.log('client web: reconn')
wo.on('broadcast', function(data) {
    console.log('client web: broadcast', data)
wo.on('deliver', function(data) {
    //console.log('client web: deliver', data)
wo.on('queueChange', function(topic, id, input, output, state, cb) {
    //console.log('client web: queueChange', topic, id, input, output, state, cb)

    //ready queue
    if (topic === missionTopic && state === 'ready') {
        console.log('queueChange', input, output, state)

        setTimeout(function() {

            output = 'done(' + input.replace('#', '') + ')'

            state = 'finish'

            wo.modifyQueue(topic, id, input, output, state)

            console.log('queueChange done', input, output, state)

        }, 1000)

    else {

        //console.log('queueChange skip', input, output, state)



// blocking, takeNumLimit=1
// queueChange #1 null ready
// queueChange done #1 done(1) finish
// queueChange #2 null ready
// queueChange done #2 done(2) finish
// queueChange #3 null ready
// queueChange done #3 done(3) finish
// queueChange #4 null ready
// queueChange done #4 done(4) finish
// queueChange #5 null ready
// queueChange done #5 done(5) finish
// queueChange #6 null ready
// queueChange done #6 done(6) finish
// queueChange #7 null ready
// queueChange done #7 done(7) finish
// queueChange #8 null ready
// queueChange done #8 done(8) finish
// queueChange #9 null ready
// queueChange done #9 done(9) finish
// queueChange #10 null ready
// queueChange done #10 done(10) finish

// blocking, takeNumLimit=2
// queueChange #1 null ready
// queueChange #2 null ready
// queueChange done #1 done(1) finish
// queueChange #3 null ready
// queueChange done #2 done(2) finish
// queueChange #4 null ready
// queueChange done #3 done(3) finish
// queueChange #5 null ready
// queueChange done #4 done(4) finish
// queueChange #6 null ready
// queueChange done #5 done(5) finish
// queueChange #7 null ready
// queueChange done #6 done(6) finish
// queueChange #8 null ready
// queueChange done #7 done(7) finish
// queueChange #9 null ready
// queueChange done #8 done(8) finish
// queueChange #10 null ready
// queueChange done #9 done(9) finish
// queueChange done #10 done(10) finish

// non-blocking, takeNumLimit=0
// queueChange #1 null ready
// queueChange #2 null ready
// queueChange #3 null ready
// queueChange #4 null ready
// queueChange #5 null ready
// queueChange #6 null ready
// queueChange #7 null ready
// queueChange #8 null ready
// queueChange #9 null ready
// queueChange #10 null ready
// queueChange done #1 done(1) finish
// queueChange done #2 done(2) finish
// queueChange done #3 done(3) finish
// queueChange done #4 done(4) finish
// queueChange done #5 done(5) finish
// queueChange done #6 done(6) finish
// queueChange done #7 done(7) finish
// queueChange done #8 done(8) finish
// queueChange done #9 done(9) finish
// queueChange done #10 done(10) finish

Producer, Link: [dev source code]

Producer sends missions to Consumer.

let opt = {
    url: 'ws://localhost:8080',
    token: '*',
    //takeNumLimit: 0, //no restrictions required for producer

let missionTopic = 'parser|texts'

let WRunqwsClient = window['w-runqws-client']
let wo = new WRunqwsClient(opt)

wo.on('open', function() {
    console.log('client web: open')


    function addMission(n) {

        let input = '#' + n

        let option = {}

        wo.pushQueue(missionTopic, input, option)


    let n = 0
    let t = setInterval(function() {
        n += 1
        if (n === 10) {
    }, 20)

wo.on('openOnce', function() {
    console.log('client web: openOnce')
wo.on('close', function() {
    console.log('client web: close')
wo.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log('client web: error', err)
wo.on('reconn', function() {
    console.log('client web: reconn')
wo.on('broadcast', function(data) {
    console.log('client web: broadcast', data)
wo.on('deliver', function(data) {
    //console.log('client web: deliver', data)
wo.on('queueChange', function(topic, id, input, output, state) {
    //console.log('client web: queueChange', topic, id, input, output, state)


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