Vuex ORM Plugin: Lowdb
VuexOrmLowdb is a plugin for the amazing VuexORM that let you sync your Vuex Store with Lowdb
Add the package to your dependencies
yarn add vuex-orm-lowdb
npm install --save vuex-orm-lowdb
Then you can setup the plugin
const database =VuexORM// ...namespaced: trueplugins: VuexORM
See on how to setup the database
This plugin add some vuex actions to load and persist data in an IndexedDB
Action | Description |
$fetch | Load data from the lowdb store associated to a model and persist them in the Vuex Store |
$create | Like VuexORM insert , but also persist data to lowdb |
$update | Like VuexORM update , but also persist changes to lowdb |
$delete | Like VuexORM delete , but also remove data from lowdb |
Example Usage
<template> <div> <input type="text" v-model="todo"> <input type="button" @click="addTodo"> <ul> <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="">{{ todo.title }}</li> </ul> </div></template> <script> import Todo from './store/models/Todo' export default { data () { return { todo: '' } }, computed: { todos () { return Todo.query().all() } }, async mounted () { await Todo.$fetch() }, methods: { addTodo () { if (this.todo) { Todo.$create({ title: this.todo }) } }, deleteTodo() { Todo.$delete({ id: 1, title: this.todo }) }, updateTodo() { Todo.$update({ id: 1, title: this.todo }) }, } }</script>