Vue.js sound audio player base on Vuetify UI framework. Covers audio-tag API and adds more.
- Support most of audio play in this component.
- You can set the color you want for all component buttons.
- Support download the audio file.
- After audio playing finished or before start the playing, you can do something.
- Support Dark mode of Vuetify.
- Support auto play, but if user didn't interact with the document first, the audio can't be played.
- Support turn on and off audio download button.
Use npm: npm install vuetify-audio --save
At first make sure your project is Vue project, and has Vuetify
as UI framework:
- Install Vuetify:
npm install vuetify --save-dev
- Add Vuetify to
;; Vue;
You also can use Vue plugin to install Vuetify
by only one line command:
vue add vuetify
Node: Make sure you are using the default Vuetify iconfont (mdi).
Add below code into your <script>
components: import'vuetify-audio' file: ''
And below code in the <template>
- file (String) (Required): Set audio file for the audio player
- ended (Function) (Optional): Set callback function name after audio finish
- canPlay (Function) (Optional): Set callback function name when audio ready for playing
- color (String) (Optional): Set all component buttons color
- autoPlay (Boolean) (Optional, default is false): Add it to make the audio auto play, but in some web browsers maybe failed, because some browsers need user active in the page first then allow sound auto play.
- downloadable (Boolean) (Optional, default is false): Add it to let the audio file can be downloaded.
- flat (Boolean) (Optional, default is false): When set to true, make the Vuetify Card style to flat, that you can combine other information/image/data with this control in your page.
Known Issues
- Audio play pregress bar can't support drag, only support click.
Create online demoCreate npm installAdd customize collor for componentAdd event for end audioAdd auto play audioAdd downloadable property for audio fileFully support dark modeAdd prop for Card flat- Add increase or decrease volume of audio