Plugin vuepress-plugin-giscus@next
for adding comment system Giscus powered by GitHub Discussions to VuePress 2.
yarn add vuepress-plugin-giscus@next
# or
npm install vuepress-plugin-giscus@next
First you need to see Giscus's website for its details and generate your repo id, category id and other things on the website.
Then add the plugin to your .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
"vuepress-plugin-giscus", {
repo: "[repo]", // required, string, format: user_name/repo_name
repoId: "[repo id]", // required, string, generate it on Giscus's website
category: "[category name]", // required, string
categoryId: "[category id]", // required, string, generate it on Giscus's website
mapping: "[page <-> discussion mapping]", // optional, string, default="title"
reactionsEnabled: "[enable reactions or not?]", // optional, boolean, default=true
theme: "[theme]", // optional, string, default="light"
lang: "[language]", // optional, string, default="auto" (follow the site's language, fell to "en" if your site's language is not supported by Giscus)
crossorigin: "[crossorigin]" // optional, string, default="anonymous"
After that, Giscus
will have already been registered as a Vue component, so you can use it in Vuepress directly. You can also change Giscus' theme, language and enablement on-the-fly by pass props to the component (how it works):
<Giscus :theme="theme" :lang="lang" :reactionsEnabled="reactionsEnabled" />