A versatile, configurable and responsive timetable component for Vue 3. Ideal for showing the agenda for locations on a specific date.
- Items can contain a
property - Increased test coverage
- Items starting before or ending after the timetable scope show an indicator
- Increased configurability of the timetable style and its locations and items
- The current time indicator can be hidden
- Fixed the horizontal scrollbar which was hidden, so mouse-only users couldn't scroll horizontally
- The display format of the dates is now configurable
- Selectable dates can be predefined using the
option - Timetable data can be loaded asynchronously using
npm i vue3-timetable
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { TimeTable, type TimeTableItem, type TimeTableLocation } from 'vue3-timetable';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'App',
components: { TimeTable },
setup() {
const items: TimeTableItem[] = [
id: "e3",
locationId: 2,
startDate: `2024-07-09T14:00:00`,
endDate: `2024-07-09T16:00:00`,
name: "Surprise Event",
const locations: TimeTableLocation[] = [
id: 1,
name: "Mainstage",
items: [
id: "e1",
startDate: `2024-07-09T08:00:00`,
endDate: `2024-07-09T11:00:00`,
name: "Main Event",
info: "Don't miss it!",
style: {
backgroundColor: "#999",
color: "#000",
id: 2,
name: "Playground",
items: [
id: "e2",
startDate: `2024-07-09T12:00:00`,
endDate: `2024-07-09T17:00:00`,
name: "Fun Time",
cancelled: true,
return {
<div class="timetable">
<TimeTable variant="horizontal" :items="items" :locations="locations" />
Option | Type | Required | Default | Description |
locations | TimeTableLocation[] | yes | The locations to show in the timetable | |
items | TimeTableItem[] | no | [] | The events to show in the timetable |
variant | string | no | horizontal | The display style of the timetable. Can be horizontal or vertical . Defaults to vertical when unspecified and there is only 1 location |
dates | string[] | no | Predefined dates to choose from to load timetable data async with onDateChange . The first date will be selected by default. The format needs to be yyyy-MM-dd
startingHour | number | no | 6 | Starting hour of a day |
numberOfHours | number | no | 24 | Number of hours to display for a single day |
styles | TimeTableStyles | no | Custom styling to apply to the timetable | |
onDateChange | function(date: string ) => void |
no | Callback function when a date is changed | |
onItemClick | function(item: TimeTableRenderedItem<T> ) => void |
no | Callback function when an item is clicked | |
onLocationClick | function(item: TimeTableLocation ) => void |
no | Callback function when a location is clicked | |
dateFormat | string | no | eee dd MMMM | Date format of the date picker. Guide |
showTimeMarker | boolean | no | true | Show or hide the current time marker |
Option | Type | Required | Default | Description |
id | string / number | yes | Location ID | |
name | string | yes | Location name | |
items | TimeTableItem[] | no | Event items for the location | |
style | CustomCSSProperties | no | Custom style for the location |
Option | Type | Required | Default | Description |
id | string / number | yes | Item ID | |
name | string | yes | Item name | |
info | string | no | Item extra information | |
startDate | Date / string | yes | Item start date | |
endDate | Date / string | yes | Item end date | |
data | {} | no | Optional extra data. Useful for callbacks | |
style | CustomCSSProperties | no | Custom style for the item | |
className | string | no | Custom additional class for the item | |
cancelled | boolean | no | false | Shows the item as cancelled |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
backgroundColor | string | #1f2937 | Timetable Background |
borderStyle | string | solid 2px #374151 | CSS Border style, specify "none" to remove borderStyle |
dateBackgroundColor | string | #1f2937 | Background of the date and hours. Avoid using "transparent" |
dateTextColor | string | inherit | Text color of the date and hours |
datePickerBackgroundColor | string | #1f2937 | Background of the date picker |
itemBackgroundColor | string | #304151 | Background of an item |
itemTextColor | string | inherit | Text color of an item |
locationBackgroundColor | string | #000 | Background of a location |
locationTextColor | string | inherit | Text color of a location |
textColor | string | #fff | General text color used in the timetable |
timeMarkerColor | string | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) | Color of the current time indicator |
Option | Example | Description |
background | #1f2937 | Background |
backgroundColor | red | Background color |
border | solid 2px #000 | Border style |
boxShadow | inset 0 0 5px 5px #000 | Box shadow |
color | blue | Text color |
font | italic small-caps bold 16px/2 cursive | Font properties |
fontWeight | bold | Font weight |
fontSize | 14px | Font size |
fontFamily | Arial, sans-serif | Font family |
fontStyle | italic | Font style |
opacity | 0.8 | Opacity |