Squad Payment is a comprehensive payments solution powered by GTCO that enables all types of businesses to make and receive payments from anywhere in the world.
Note: Before you proceed, signup for a Sandbox account at Squad Sandbox platform to obtain necessary public and private keys.
To install, run:
npm install vue-squadpay
<SquadPay text="Pay now" :params="params" class="btn btn-primary" @err="onError" @close="onClose" @success="onSuccess" @loaded="onLoad" />
<script setup lang="js">
import SquadPay from "vue-squadpay"
import {ref} from 'vue'
const params = ref({
key: "test_pk_sample-public-key-1",
email: "example@mail.com", // from HTML form
amount: 5000, // no need to multiply by 100 for kobo, its taken care for you
currencyCode: "NGN",
reference: Date.now().toString(),
const onSuccess = (data) => {
const onLoad = () => {
console.log("module loaded")
const onError = () => {
console.log("Error occured")
const onClose = () => {
console.log("Widget Closed")
<script setup lang="ts">
import SquadPay, { SquadParams} from "vue-squadpay"
import {ref} from 'vue'
const params = ref<SquadParams>({
key: "test_pk_sample-public-key-1",
email: "example@mail.com", // from HTML form
amount: 5000, // no need to multiply by 100 for kobo, its taken care for you
currencyCode: "NGN",
reference: Date.now().toString(),
const onSuccess = (data): void => {
const onLoad = (): void => {
console.log("module loaded")
const onError = (): void => {
console.log("Error occured")
const onClose = (): void => {
console.log("Widget Closed")
<script >
import SquadPay from "vue-squadpay"
export default {
components: {
return {
key: "test_pk_sample-public-key-1",
email: "example@mail.com", // from HTML form
amount: 5000, // no need to multiply by 100 for kobo, its taken care for you
currencyCode: "NGN",
reference: Date.now().toString(),
methods: {
console.log("module loaded")
console.log("Error occured")
console.log("Widget Closed")
amount should be the actual amount
, that is, if payment is N1,000 enter N1000 as the amount. conversion to kobo is automatically handled. - There is an error notifier alert included
Below is a list of all the SquadPay official supported parameters.
Parameters | Data Type | Required | Description |
key | string | true | This can be found on your dashboard. |
payItemID | string | true | Your Squad public key. Use the test key found in your Sandbox account in test mode, and use the live key found in your Squad dashboard in live mode.. |
string | true | Customer's email address. | |
amount | number | true | The amount you are debiting customer. (Kobo conversion is handled automatically)
currencyCode | string | true | The currency you want the amount to be charged in. Allowed value is NGN or USD |
transactionRef | string | false | Unique case-sensitive transaction reference. If you do not pass this parameter, Squad will generate a unique reference for you.
paymentChannels | string[] | false | An array of payment channels to control what channels you want to make available for the user to make a payment with. Available channels include; ['card', 'bank' , 'ussd','bank_transfer'] . |
customerName | string | false | Name of Customer. |
callbackUrl | string | false | The url you want the user to be redirected to after a transaction. sample: https://example.com/pay-callback
metadata | object | false | Object that contains any additional information that you want to record with the transaction. The custom fields in the object will be returned via webhook and the payment verification endpoint. |
passCharge | boolean | false | It takes two possible values: true or false .It is set to false by default. When set to true , the charges on the transaction is computed and passed on to the customer(payer). But when set to false , the charge is passed to the merchant and will be deducted from the amount to be settled to the merchant. |
After a transaction, a sample response from the onSuccess function
will be:
"Customer_name": null,
"access_token": undefined,
"amount": 100000,
"auth_url": undefined,
"callback_url": null,
"config_meta": {
"browser_screen_height": 948,
"browser_screen_width": 1307
"currency_code": "NGN",
"email": "example@mail.com",
"formattedTransactionAmount": "1,000.00",
"is_recurring": false,
"key": "test_pk_sample-public-key-1",
"merchant_id": undefined,
"merchant_logo": undefined,
"metadata": null,
"pass_charge": false,
"payment_channels": null,
"recurring": {
"type": 0
"transaction_amount": 100000,
"transaction_ref": null
Below are list of the props of the <SquadPay />
Parameters | Data Type | Required | Description |
text | string | false | It specifies the text to display on the button. |
params | object | true | object to set squad pay parameters. refer to parameter list above
@success | event | false |
Event fires when payment is successful. it returns a parameter that represent the details of payment in object
@loaded | event | false |
Event fires when the Payment Modal Widget loads |
@close | event | false | Payment fires when the Payment Modal Widget closes |
@err | event | false | Payment fires when the Payment Modal Widget closes |
to go live refer to the Squad API documentation section for live payment
You can check out Squad Documentation for other guides and options.
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git branch feature-name
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git checkout feature-name
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git commit -m "commit-type: commit-message"
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git push origin feature-name
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Samuel Henshaw
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.