ractive style set()/get() in vue
npm i -S vue-set-get
import {set, get, plugin} from 'vue-set-get'
// or
const {set, get, plugin} = require('vue-set-get')
Vue.use(plugin) // will give you vm.$setDeep()/vm.$getDeep()
// .. somewhere in vm method
set(this.$data.obj, 'a.b.c.d', 'e')
// this will set vm.obj.a.b.c.d = 'e' and make new reactive object if some path is undefined
get(this.$data.obj, 'a.b.c.d', defaultValue)
// same as above if you installed plugin
this.$setDeep('a.b.c.d', 'e')
this.$getDeep('a.b.c.d', defaultValue)
Be aware that you can not do set(vm, ...)
or set(vm.$data, ...)
or you will get warned by Vue.
import {SET_STATE, vuexPlugin, vuexStoreMixin, linkVuexState} from 'vue-set-get'
// or
const {SET_STATE, vuexPlugin, vuexStoreMixin, linkVuexState} = require('vue-set-get')
// 1.
// 2. add SET_STATE mutation in root store (not vuex module)
new Vuex.Store(_.extend({
// ... your original store definition
}, vuexStoreMixin))
// or ..
new Vuex.Store(_.extend({
mutations: {
// ... your original mutations
}, vuexStoreMixin))
// 3.1. use `vm.vuexState()` in vue template
// which is installed by vuexPlugin above
// <span>{{vuexState('a.b.c.d')}}</span>
// 3.2. use `linkVuexState()` in v-model
// you must use it as computed prop since syntax like
// <input v-model="linkVuexState('a.b.c.d')">
// is unfortunately not supported by Vue
// so write you template as
// <input v-model="linkStateABCD">
// and in component definition:
data () {
return {}
computed: {
linkStateA: linkVuexState('a.b.c.d')
// ...
// now when input changed, `linkVuexState()` will commit `SET_STATE`
// to change the value of `$store.state.a.b.c.d`
in 1.1.0 you can write
// <input :value="vuexState('a.b.c.d')" @input="$setVuexState('a.b.c.d', $event.target.input)">
to avoid creating a computed property in vue file definition.
add $setVuexState() in vuexPlugin.