Compile vue components code into vue components objects inside of your browser
yarn add vue-inbrowser-compiler
This library is meant to help write components for vue that can be edited through text.
Compiles a string of pseudo javascript code written in es2015. It returns the body of a function as a string. Once you execute the function, it will return a VueJS component.
prototype: compile(code: string, config: BubleConfig): {script: string, style: string}
import { compile } from 'vue-inbrowser-compiler'
* render a component
function getComponent(code) {
const conpiledCode = compile(
// pass in config options to buble to set up the output
target: { ie: 11 }
const func = new Function(conpiledCode.script)
return func()
The formats of the code here are the same as vue-live and vue-styleguidist
pseudo jsx
Most common use case is a simple vue template.
<button color="blue">Test This Buttton</button>
will be transformed into
return {
template: '<Button color="blue">Test This Buttton</Button>'
A more advanced use case if you want to use variables
// initialize variables here and use them below
let show = true
let today = new Date();
// starting from the first line that starts with a <tag>,
// the rest is considered a template
<input type="checkbox" v-model="show">
will turn into
let show = true
let today = new Date();
return {
show: show,
today: today
template: `<input type="checkbox" v-model="show">
Vue apps
A simple way to make it explicit
new Vue({
template: `
<input v-model="value" type="checkbox">
<h1 v-if="value">I am checked</h1>
data() {
return {
value: false
Single File Components
<div class="hello">
<h1>Colored Text</h1>
<button>{{ msg }}</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
msg: 'Push Me'
.hello {
text-align: center;
color: #900;
Detects if the code given corresponds to a VueJS Single File Component. If there is a <template>
or a <script>
tag, it will return true, otherwise return false.
prototype: isCodeVueSfc(code: string):boolean
import { isCodeVueSfc } from 'vue-inbrowser-compiler'
if (isCodeVueSfc(code)) {
} else {
Takes the css style passed in first argument, scopes it using the suffix and adds it to the current page.
prototype: addScopedStyle(css: string, suffix: string):void
In order to make JSX work with the compiler, you need to specify a pragma. Since tis pragma has a different form for VueJs than for ReactJs, we need to provide an adapter.
import { compile, adaptCreateElement } from 'vue-inbrowser-compiler'
* render a JSX component
function getComponent(code) {
const compiledCode = compile(
// in this config we set up the jsx pragma to a higher order function
jsx: '__pragma__(h)'
const func = new Function('__pragma__', compiledCode.script)
// now pass the higher order function to the function call
return func(adaptCreateElement)