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2.0.10 • Public • Published


A vue component for select dates (range mode available) & time

This documentation is for v2.*. Find v1 documentation here


Dark mode






yarn add vue-ctk-date-time-picker


npm i --save vue-ctk-date-time-picker


ES6 Modules / CommonJS

import VueCtkDateTimePicker from 'vue-ctk-date-time-picker';
import 'vue-ctk-date-time-picker/dist/vue-ctk-date-time-picker.css';
Vue.component('VueCtkDateTimePicker', VueCtkDateTimePicker);
<VueCtkDateTimePicker v-model="yourValue" />


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${YOUR_PATH}/vue-ctk-date-time-picker.css">
<div id="app">
  <VueCtkDateTimePicker v-model="yourValue"></VueCtkDateTimePicker>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="${YOUR_PATH}/vue-ctk-date-time-picker.umd.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  Vue.component('vue-ctk-date-time-picker', window['vue-ctk-date-time-picker']);
  new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data () {
      return {
        yourValue: null

Here is an example of UMD implementation:

Use custom element to trigger the component

<VueCtkDateTimePicker :no-value-to-custom-elem="(true|false)" />
  <input type="text" />
  ... or
  <button type="button">Label</button>

Props API

Props Type Required Default
v-model String yes -
id String no DateTimePicker
format String no 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm a'
formatted String no 'llll' (momentjs format)
label String no Select date & time
disabled Boolean no false
hint (1) String no -
error (2) Boolean no false
color (3) String (hex) no dodgerblue
button-color (4) String (hex) no #00C853
position String no null
locale (5) String no Browser Locale
persistent Boolean no false
minute-interval Integer no 1
output-format String no null
only-time Boolean no false
only-date Boolean no false
no-header Boolean no false
no-value-to-custom-elem (6) Boolean no false
min-date (7) String no -
max-date (7) String no -
no-weekends-days Boolean no false
auto-close Boolean no false
inline Boolean no false
overlay Boolean no false
range Boolean no false
dark Boolean no false
no-shortcuts Boolean no false
no-button Boolean no false
input-size String (sm or lg) no null
button-now-translation String no 'Now'
no-button-now Boolean no false
first-day-of-week Int (0 to 7) no -
disabled-dates (8) Array<string> no []
disabled-hours (9) Array<string> no -
custom-shortcuts (10) Array<object> no -
disabled-weekly (11) Array<integer> no []

(1) hint : Is a text that replaces the label/placeholder (Ex : Error designation)

(2) error : When is true --> Input border & label are red

(3) color: Replace color for the hint, the borders & picker color

(4) button-color: Replace color for the buttons on bottom (validation & 'now')

(5) locale : Default value is the locale of the browser - Ex : Set locale="fr" to force to French language

(6) no-value-to-custom-elem : No value will set to your elem (you can get the formatted value with @formatted-value event)

(7) min-date & max-date : Must be 'YYYY-MM-DD' format

(8) Disabled-Dates is an Array of dates in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (ex: ['2018-04-03', '2018-04-07', '2018-04-09'])

(9) disabled-hours : Must be an Array of hours in 24h format ('00' to '23') : ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','19','20','21','22','23']

(10) custom-shortcuts - It's an Array of Objects like this :

  { label: `Aujourd'hui`, value: 'day', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'Yesterday', value: '-day', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'This Week', value: 'week', isSelected: true },
  { label: 'Last Week', value: '-week', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'This iso Week', value: 'isoWeek', isSelected: true },
  { label: 'Last iso Week', value: '-isoWeek', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'This Month', value: 'month', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'Last Month', value: '-month', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'This Month', value: 'year', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'Last Month', value: '-year', isSelected: false },
  { label: 'Last 5 days', value: 5, isSelected: false }

Shortcut types allowed : ['day', '-day', 'isoWeek', '-isoWeek', 'month', '-month', 'year', '-year', 'week', '-week']

If the value of shortcut is a number (Integer), this number correspond to number of day (for 5 --> Last 5 days)

You can use this feature for translate the shortcuts

When you set isSelected to true, the shortcut is selected by default

(11) disabled-weekly : Days of the week which are disabled every week, in Array format with day index, Sunday as 0 and Saturday as 6: [0,4,6]

Events API

Event Return
input value (formatted with 'format' props)
formatted-value value (formatted with 'formatted' props)
is-shown Component is shown
is-hidden Component is hidden
validate Click on validate button (so component is closed)
destroy Component is destroy

Keyboard Accessible

Key Action
Arrow Right Next Day
Arrow Left Previous Day
Arrow Down Same day on next week
Arrow Up Same day on previous week
Page Down Same day on previous month
Page Up Same day on next month
Enter or Space Select day
Escape Close component

Upcoming features (Todo)

  • Double Calendar on RangeDatePicker (issue : #33)
  • Inputs Text to choose values (issue #30)
  • TimePicker seconds support (issue : #79)


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


Work in progress


This project is licensed under MIT License


Open source time proudly sponsored by Chronotruck

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npm i vue-ctk-date-time-picker-cd

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  • cduane