A vue component for select dates (range mode available) & time
This documentation is for v2.*. Find v1 documentation here
Dark mode
yarn add vue-ctk-date-time-picker
npm i --save vue-ctk-date-time-picker
ES6 Modules / CommonJS
;; Vue;
Here is an example of UMD implementation:
Use custom element to trigger the component
... ... or Label ...
Props API
Props | Type | Required | Default |
v-model | String | yes | - |
id | String | no | DateTimePicker |
format | String | no | 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm a' |
formatted | String | no | 'llll' (momentjs format) |
label | String | no | Select date & time |
disabled | Boolean | no | false |
hint (1) | String | no | - |
error (2) | Boolean | no | false |
color (3) | String (hex) | no | dodgerblue |
button-color (4) | String (hex) | no | #00C853 |
position | String | no | null |
locale (5) | String | no | Browser Locale |
persistent | Boolean | no | false |
minute-interval | Integer | no | 1 |
output-format | String | no | null |
only-time | Boolean | no | false |
only-date | Boolean | no | false |
no-header | Boolean | no | false |
no-value-to-custom-elem (6) | Boolean | no | false |
min-date (7) | String | no | - |
max-date (7) | String | no | - |
no-weekends-days | Boolean | no | false |
auto-close | Boolean | no | false |
inline | Boolean | no | false |
overlay | Boolean | no | false |
range | Boolean | no | false |
dark | Boolean | no | false |
no-shortcuts | Boolean | no | false |
no-button | Boolean | no | false |
input-size | String (sm or lg) | no | null |
button-now-translation | String | no | 'Now' |
no-button-now | Boolean | no | false |
first-day-of-week | Int (0 to 7) | no | - |
disabled-dates (8) | Array<string> |
no | [] |
disabled-hours (9) | Array<string> |
no | - |
custom-shortcuts (10) | Array<object> |
no | - |
disabled-weekly (11) | Array<integer> |
no | [] |
(1) hint : Is a text that replaces the label/placeholder (Ex : Error designation)
(2) error : When is true
--> Input border & label are red
(3) color: Replace color for the hint, the borders & picker color
(4) button-color: Replace color for the buttons on bottom (validation & 'now')
(5) locale : Default value is the locale of the browser - Ex : Set locale="fr"
to force to French language
(6) no-value-to-custom-elem : No value will set to your elem (you can get the formatted value with @formatted-value event)
(7) min-date & max-date : Must be 'YYYY-MM-DD'
(8) Disabled-Dates is an Array of dates in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (ex: ['2018-04-03', '2018-04-07', '2018-04-09']
(9) disabled-hours : Must be an Array of hours in 24h format ('00' to '23') : ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','19','20','21','22','23']
(10) custom-shortcuts - It's an Array of Objects like this :
label: `Aujourd'hui` value: 'day' isSelected: false label: 'Yesterday' value: '-day' isSelected: false label: 'This Week' value: 'week' isSelected: true label: 'Last Week' value: '-week' isSelected: false label: 'This iso Week' value: 'isoWeek' isSelected: true label: 'Last iso Week' value: '-isoWeek' isSelected: false label: 'This Month' value: 'month' isSelected: false label: 'Last Month' value: '-month' isSelected: false label: 'This Month' value: 'year' isSelected: false label: 'Last Month' value: '-year' isSelected: false label: 'Last 5 days' value: 5 isSelected: false
Shortcut types allowed : ['day', '-day', 'isoWeek', '-isoWeek', 'month', '-month', 'year', '-year', 'week', '-week']
If the value of shortcut is a number (Integer), this number correspond to number of day (for 5 --> Last 5 days)
You can use this feature for translate the shortcuts
When you set isSelected
to true, the shortcut is selected by default
(11) disabled-weekly : Days of the week which are disabled every week, in Array format with day index, Sunday as 0 and Saturday as 6: [0,4,6]
Events API
Event | Return |
input | value (formatted with 'format' props) |
formatted-value | value (formatted with 'formatted' props) |
is-shown | Component is shown |
is-hidden | Component is hidden |
validate | Click on validate button (so component is closed) |
destroy | Component is destroy |
Keyboard Accessible
Key | Action |
Arrow Right | Next Day |
Arrow Left | Previous Day |
Arrow Down | Same day on next week |
Arrow Up | Same day on previous week |
Page Down | Same day on previous month |
Page Up | Same day on next month |
Enter or Space | Select day |
Escape | Close component |
Upcoming features (Todo)
- Double Calendar on RangeDatePicker (issue : #33)
- Inputs Text to choose values (issue #30)
- TimePicker seconds support (issue : #79)
Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Work in progress
This project is licensed under MIT License
Open source time proudly sponsored by Chronotruck