simple database solution, made for node and electron applications
$ npm install vrellodb
import { vrello } from 'vrellodb'
const db = vrello({ path: '...your path here...' }) // Load the database from file
// Set default values
db.default('monkey', {
name: 'Martha',
age: 12,
state: 'feeling hungry',
location: 'Africa',
bananas: []
// You can append data to an existing array in your database */
db.append('monkey.bananas', {
ripeness: 98,
wasTasty: true
// Or, you could change and update values in your database
db.set('monkey.state', 'feeling full')
// Or, check the size of existing arrays
db.size('monkey.bananas') // => 1
// And even read the values of items
db.get('') // => 'Martha'
There are options you can apply to the vrello
function to change the behaviour of the database.
This is the path of the database that Vrello will load or create.
idLength: number optional -
This is the length of all IDs that will be generated. Default is 16.
addDates: boolean optional -
This will add "lastModified" and "dateCreated" to all objects that are added to the database.
addIds: boolean optional -
This will automatically generate an id for every object you add to the database. You can change the length of the id generated by changing "options.idLength".
vrellodb is licensed under the AGPL-3.0. Quick rundown, whilst other licenses are intended to take away your freedoms, AGPL-3.0 intends to allow to exercise your freedoms with this open-sourced software.