
0.1.2 • Public • Published

V (Version) Package Manager for Node.js

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Helps with development, installation and maintenance of VPM packages. Installs vpman and newchanges in Node.js environments.


This package is usually installed globally, so that you can use the vpman executable from any directory. You can install it during the first usage with npx too:

$ npm i -g vpman
$ npx vpman ...

Make sure, that you use Node.js version 18 or newer.


vpman [options] <command> [parameters]

  init          generate a config file with defaults
  ls|list       list module dependencies from ./modules or ~/.vmodules
  link          link the current module to the global ~./vmodules directory
  unlink        remove the current module link from the global ~./vmodules
  version       prepare the current module for publishing a new version
                (update changelog, bump version, commit and tag the change)
  publish       publish a new version prepared earlier by `vp version`
                (push the change and tag, create a github release)
  release       perform both `vp version` and `vp publish`

Options and parameters for list:
  -g|--global   inspect contents of ~./vmodules (default is ./[src/]modules)
  [<pkg names>] names of the package to print its version

Parameters for link and unlink:
  [<pkg name>]  name of the package if guessing is not reliable

Options for link and unlink:
  -f|--force    proceed even if the guessed package name was not reliable

Parameters for version and publish:
  [<version>]   version if the changelog update is disabled
                (also major, minor or patch for bumping the existing version)

Options for version, publish and release:
  --no-changes        do not update the changelog
  --no-bump           do not bump the version in the package manifest
  --no-vlang          do not version and publish using v and v.mod
  --no-node           do not version and publish using npm and package.json
  --no-rust           do not version and publish using rust and Cargo.toml
  --no-commit         do not commit the changes during publishing
  --no-commit-skip-ci do not add [skip ci] to the commit with the changes
  --no-tag            do not tag the commit during publishing
  --no-tag-skip-ci    do not add [skip ci] to the commit with the tag
  --no-push           do not push the commit and tag during publishing
  --no-release        do not create a new github release
  --no-archives       do not upload platform archives automatically as assets
  --no-failure        do not fail in case of no version change or release
  --nc-args <args>    extra arguments for newchanges, enclosed in quotes
  -a|--assets <file>  files to upload as extra assets to the github release
  -b|--bump-files <file> extra files in which to bump the version
  -y|--yes            answer the push and reelase confirmations with "yes"
  -d|--dry-run        only print what would be done without doing it
  -v|--verbose        print the new changes on the console too

Common options:
  -c|--config <name>  file name of path of the config file
  -V|--version        print the version of the executable and exits
  -h|--help           print the usage information and exits

  $ vpman link prantlf.cargs -f
  $ vpman unlink
  $ vpman publish -v'


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Copyright (c) 2024 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • prantlf