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3.0.3 • Public • Published

vkontakte-api NPM

TypeScript library to make requests performing to VK API simple.


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vkontakte-api follows repositories based concept where each repository is a class and represents some namespace in API. The main purpose of repository is to format request config for VKAPI instance, so it could perform request and return data.

Each request is added to queue and executed only after timeout calculated according to rps property. So, there is no case when you were banned due to sending too many requests per second.

There is a multi-thread (multi-workers) support for those projects which are launched in this mode.


Creating instance

Firstly, it is required to create VKAPI instance:

import {VKAPI} from 'vkontakte-api';

const api = new VKAPI;

It is allowed to pass rps (which is 3 by default) property which means requests per second. VK API has its restriction, so make sure you have passed correct value.

Additionally, you can pass suck properties as accessToken and lang which will be used as default parameters for each request. So, you have no need to pass them each time until overriding is needed:

const api = new VKAPI({
  rps: 20,
  accessToken: 'my default token',
  lang: 'en',

Creating and using custom repository

In case, you want to create a new repository (for example, if it is not currently implemented) you could use such code:

import {VKAPI, TSendRequest, Repository} from 'vkontakte-api';

// Firstly, describe parameters and result.
 * @see https://vk.com/dev/auth.restore
export interface IRestoreParams {
  phone: string;
  last_name: string;

export interface IRestoreResult {
  success: 1;
  sid: string;

// Create repository class which should extend abstract Repository.
export class AuthRepository extends Repository {
  constructor(sendRequest: TSendRequest) {
    // Call Repository's constructor and as the first argument, we pass
    // API namespace name.
    // @see https://vk.com/dev/auth
    super('auth', sendRequest);

   * @see https://vk.com/dev/auth.restore
  // Describe all repository methods. 
  // As the first argument we should pass method name. 
  // As the second one - function which modifies passed parameters 
  // the way we want. 
  // And as the third one - function, which formats server's response. 
  // You could use such functions as "formatOptionalArray" or
  // "formatOptionalBoolean" from this package. 
  restore = this.r<IRestoreParams, IRestoreResult>('restore');

// When repository is created, we just add it to VKAPI instance.
const api = new VKAPI().addRepository('auth', AuthRepository);

// At this moment, TypeScript knows about such repository as 'auth'.
api.auth.restore({phone: '...', last_name: '...'});

In case, you are trying to add an already existing repository, TypeScript will throw an error saying that repository name passed to addRepository has type never.

Browser mode

If you are using VKAPI on browser side, you could use property isBrowser which is false by default. In case, this value is true, api instance performs requests in JSONP callback mode. It does not make any influence on external code flow. If this value is not passed, requests will be executed in usual mode and on the browser side they will fail due to VK's CORS.

const api = new VKAPI({isBrowser: true});

Performing requests

VKAPI instance contains a list of repositories which generate request parameters to send to API. Each repository has a name according to its name in API.

Simple example of sending request and logging data:

import {VKAPI} from 'vkontakte-api';

const api = new VKAPI({accessToken: 'my personal token'});

api.users.get({user_ids: ['vladkibenko']}).then(console.log);

Sending some notification:

  user_ids: ['vladkibenko'],
  message: 'Hello Vlad!',

Overriding default lang and accessToken:

import {ELang, VKAPI} from 'vkontakte-api';

const api = new VKAPI({accessToken: 'my personal token'});

// Here we will get english-localized data on behalf of on app.
  user_ids: ['vladkibenko'],
  access_token: 'some application token',
  // Or you could just use 'en' or 3.
  lang: ELang.EN,

Some methods or repositories are still not implemented. Nevertheless, you are free to perform custom requests.

import {VKAPI} from 'vkontakte-api';

const api = new VKAPI({accessToken: 'my token'});

// Description of parameters.
interface Params {
  city_ids: string;

// Description of response.
type Response = {id: number; title: string}[];

// @see https://vk.com/dev/database.getCitiesById
api.addRequestToQueue<Params, Response>({
  method: 'database.getCitiesById',
  params: {
    city_ids: [1].join(','),


Sometimes, API throws errors. To detect if error was thrown by VK, you could use function isVKError. It contains such properties as errorInfo which contains all error data from VK and config which was used to perform request.

Moreover, lib contains enum EErrors which is a set of all known errors.

Multi-threading support

In case your project is ran in multi cluster mode, you could use VKAPIProvider and VKAPIConsumer.

VKAPIProvider should be used in a main thread and VKAPIConsumers in slave threads.

Here is the simple example:

import {fork, isMaster, Worker} from 'cluster';
import os from 'os';
import {VKAPI, IVKAPI} from 'vkontakte-api';
import {VKAPIProvider, VKAPIConsumer} from 'vkontakte-api/dist/multithreading';

// Runs http server. Accepts an object which looks like VKAPI instance. So,
// he does not know what api exactly is. It could be real VKAPI instance or
// VKAPIConsumer.
function http(api: IVKAPI) {
  // Here we can use all of the VKAPI methods
  api.users.get({user_ids: ['vladkibenko']}).then(console.log);

// Just a stub. You can use the logic you need
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';

// In development mode, let us run single thread. So, no VKAPIProvider and
// VKAPIConsumer are needed.
if (isDev) {
  const api = new VKAPI();
  // Run http server
  return http(api);

// In production mode, we do create as many forks as processor support.
if (isMaster) {
  const cpuCount = os.cpus().length;
  const workers: Worker[] = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) {

  // In master we create VKAPIProvider with specified rps property 
  // (VKAPIConsumer api instance rps will be ignored). If not passed, rps will 
  // be 3, so make sure you have passed that property.
  const provider = new VKAPIProvider({workers});
// In slaves, we just create http server with VKAPIConsumer.
else {
  // Create VKAPI instance consumer instance.
  http(new VKAPIConsumer({
    instance: new VKAPI({accessToken: '...'}),

Defining connection between the provider and consumer

There is a rare case, when your project contains 2 providers with for different VKAPI instances. For example, you could create separate api instances for group and application which use different access tokens.

So then, it is allowed to pass same property tunnelName for both provider and consumer. Here is how it works:

import {isMaster} from 'cluster'; 
import {VKAPI} from 'vkontakte-api';
import {VKAPIProvider, VKAPIConsumer} from 'vkontakte-api/dist/multithreading';

if (isMaster) {
  const cpuCount = os.cpus().length;
  const workers: Worker[] = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) {

  // API provider for group API instance
  const groupApiProvider = new VKAPIProvider({tunnelName: 'group', workers});

  // API provider for VK Mini Apps application API instance
  const appApiProvider = new VKAPIProvider({tunnelName: 'app', workers});
} else {
  // Create API instance consumers
  const groupApi = new VKAPIConsumer({
    tunnelName: 'group',
    instance: new VKAPI({accessToken: 'group access token'}),
  const appApi = new VKAPIConsumer({
    tunnelName: 'app',
    instance: new VKAPI({accessToken: 'application access token'})

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