vite-plugin-vue-router is File system base vue-router plugin for Vite
Quick start
- install
yarn add vite-plugin-vue-router -D
- Use it in your project
Use it in vite.config.js
import configRouterPlugin from 'vite-plugin-vue-router';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
- Introduce the required packages in main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from '. /src/App.vue';
import router from '@pages-generated';
//type1 test.js
//this type will be used as router.beforeEach
export default ({to,from,next}) => {}
//type2 test2.js
//this type will be used as router.beforeEach and router.afterEach
const beforeEach = ({to,from,next}) => {};
const afterEach = ({to,from}) => {};
export default {beforeEach,afterEach};
Project directory
vite-plugin-vue-router uses an agreed-upon directory format, so we need to follow this development style. It is often an effective measure to achieve uniformity and efficiency in a project.
├── public
├── src
├── layout
├─ Index.vue
├─ middleware
├── views
└── Index.vue
└── App.vue
├── index.html
├─ package.json
├─ vite.config.ts