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4.6.1 • Public • Published

Video Mirror

Make it easy for web users to set up their mic & camera.

Happy Path

setup step 1 setup step 2 setup step 3

Error States

error state 1 error state 2


camera off camera off camera off

Volume Level



  • Shows camera stream to help user assess camera setup & personal readiness to join video conference
  • Shows visual audio level to help user assess microphone setup
  • Allows user to disable camera if desired
  • Allows user to disable microphone if desired
  • Shows when permission to use cam/mic have not been given
  • Allows a user to request permissions by pressing a button
  • Autodetects when the user has previously given permissions & skips button press
  • Asks for camera & mic together in one dialog, but fails gracefully to one-at-a-time permission dialog if only one media device is available
  • Shows visual cue (light red background) when permission was denied
  • Shows visual cue (shaking) when permission was denied, and user is requesting permission again, but browser state will no longer allow permissions dialog to be shown
  • Works on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge
  • 51kb minified (including Svelte); 12kb brotli compressed (also including Svelte)
  • Advanced device configuration (e.g. pick among multiple microphones, cameras, or speakers)


Here's an example in Svelte:

  import { VideoMirror } from "video-mirror";

  <VideoMirror on:done={({ detail }) => {
    const { stream, devices} = detail;
    console.log('setup complete!', stream, devices);
  } />

Consuming Svelte Components

Your package.json has a "svelte" field pointing to src/index.js, which allows Svelte apps to import the source code directly, if they are using a bundler plugin like rollup-plugin-svelte or svelte-loader (where resolve.mainFields in your webpack config includes "svelte"). This is recommended.

For everyone else, npm run build will bundle your component's source code into a plain JavaScript module (dist/index.mjs) and a UMD script (dist/index.js). This will happen automatically when you publish your component to npm, courtesy of the prepublishOnly hook in package.json.



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Unpacked Size

1.17 MB

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  • canadaduane