This is my first npm package
If you want to set this package, you need to apply the next command:
npm install vicky_first_package
This package consist of files. Some commands use can run if you see block "scripts" into package.json file.
In another way you can run it directly using terminal. Please, read below about it.
File info.js
It saves object with data of user
File index.js
It shows using another own module and all insided properties of object module
File createFolder.js
It creates folder with name = from info.js and txt.file with data from info.js
File createServer.js
It creates local server and shows json object from info.js on the html page using browser
File createServerForHtml.js
It creates local server and shows file mail.html on the html page using browser
File applyExpress.js
It applies module 'express' to the our project and shown it connection on the browser page.