Vesper Icons
Icon font for the web, compatible with Font Awesome version 4.x, made by by Tablecheck
Vesper Icons is in a public preview state. Icons may be tweaked or removed without warning, so please be very careful when upgrading even from tiny versions.
Usage is equivalent to Font Awesome, except with "vs"
CSS class as the base:
<i class="vs vs-ninja" />
You can mix Vesper Icons with Font Awesome modifier classes, e.g.:
<i class="vs vs-butterfly fa-3x fa-spin" />
Shameless Plug
Vesper Icons are sponsored by TableCheck, Japan's leading restaurant management app.
If you are a ninja-level Javascript/Ruby coder, designer, project manager, etc. and are eager to work in Tokyo with other ninjas, Japan in a dynamic environment, please get in touch at
Icon List
- Big thanks to Dan Wolf for making his vesper-gen tool to render the icons.
More Info
Vesper Icons are an original creation. However, some icons may resemble designs found elsewhere on the internets, including variations of icons in Font Awesome. If we've done something daft please raise an issue and we'll discuss in a civil manner.
To Font Awesome: If you'd like to take icons from our set and add them to FontAwesome, we're all for it, please get in touch.
I'm glad to accept PRs to automate the below overly-manual steps.
Workflow depends on Type 3 font editor for Windows, which is a paid software program. If anyone knows a good FOSS cross-platform font editor let me know.
- Draw vectors in favorite tool (Adobe Illustrator, Corel DRAW, etc.)
- Export to SVG
- In Type 3 font editor:
- Open .gfs file in Type 3
- View -> Grid -> Grid Size...: Set to 64 units
- Add Glyph(s), import SVG, edit
- Adjust right-hand kerning margin to fit design
- Map Glyph(s) to next available Unicode hex
- Prepare Type 3 file:
- Font -> Names... -> Advanced: Bump "Version"
- Font -> Description... -> Advanced: Bump "Version"
- Export to OTF, add to Git
- Generate Webfonts via
- Uses marmot to go FontSquirrel Webfont Generator
- Uses "Basic" and export
- Renames exported files
- Add new glyph codes to CSS
- Bump version in CSS, package.json, and component.json (use find/replace)
- Create release tag (in format "5.1.0") in Github
- Icon designs are Copyright (c) TableCheck Inc.
- The Vesper Icons font is licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1:
- Vesper Icons CSS and other source code files are licensed under the MIT License:
- The Vesper Icons documentation is licensed under the CC BY 3.0 License:
- Attribution is not required but much appreciated:
Vesper Icons by TableCheck -
- Vesper Icons intends to be license-compatible with Font Awesome. The FontAwesome license is available here: