Vanilla Javascript 💅
- Removed the jQuery requirement from the original ion.rangeSlider (Version: 2.3.1)
- Removed IE8 Support (if this is a big deal, let me know)
- Additional/Original skins can be found in the css here
- For full documentation visit the original ion.rangeSlider as everything will work the same except the initializers (see the documentation below).
- None 🤯
Add the following libraries to the page:
- rangeSlider.min.js
Add the following stylesheets to the page:
- rangeslider.min.css
Install with NPM
Use NPM to download latest version of a plugin and install it directly in to your project.
- npm install vanilla-rangeslider
The slider overrides a native text input
To initialise the slider, call ionRangeSlider on the element:
Creating slider (all params)
An example of a customised slider:
You can also initialise slider with data-*
attributes of input tag:
Public methods
To use public methods, at first you must save slider instance to variable:
// Store slider into a variableconst myRangeSlider = ; // UPDATE - updates slider to any new valuesmyRangeSlider; // RESET - reset slider to it's inital valuesmyRangeSlider; // DESTROY - destroys slider and restores original input fieldmyRangeSlider;
Support Ion-series plugins development
- Support the plugin on GitHub sponsors
- Donate direct to my Paypal account:
☝️Support the originator
but think of me 🤵