Some utils are used for validation
How to use?
yarn add validate-framework-utils
; const validator = ; const field = rules: 'required | isEmail | maxLength(32)' // Asynchronous methods need to be put to the end messages: 'Can not be empty! | Please enter a valid email address. | Can not exceed {{param}} characters.'; const result // The verification result error // contains the error message} = await validator''; // ...
The field:
One or more rules (separated by | separated)messages
One or more messages (separated by | separated). {{Value}} is the value, and {{param}} is a parameter of likemaxLength(32)
The value to use for validation
Customize the validation method
Required the validation method begins with required
- addMethods(methods)
- removeMethods(...names)
- validateByField(field)
@return Promise
Built-in validation method
- required
- isAbc
- isDate
- isDecimal
- isEmail
- isInteger
- isIp
- isNumeric
- isPhone
- isTel
- isUrl
- maxLength(length)
- minLength(length)
- greaterThan(param)
- lessThan(param)
- greaterThanDate(date)
- lessThanDate(date)