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Username Checker

The Username Checker allows you to check the availability of a username across multiple websites.


npm install username-checker --save


To use the Username Checker, you first need to import the package.

import { UsernameChecker } from 'username-checker';


const { UsernameChecker } = require('username-checker');

Create an instance of the UsernameChecker class and then use the isAvailable method to check the availability of a username on a specific website:

const usernameChecker = new UsernameChecker();
const result = usernameChecker.isAvailable('twitter', 'my-desired-username');
console.log(result); // { service: 'twitter', url: '', available: true }

The isAvailable method takes two arguments - the website name (as a string) and the username to check (also a string). The method returns a Promise that resolves to an object containing information about the availability of the username on the specified website. The object has the following properties:

  • service - the name of the website checked.
  • url - the URL used to check the username.
  • available - a boolean value indicating whether the username is available on the website. This could also be undefined in case there was no deterministic way to deduce the availability.
  • reason - A potential reason of what could have gone wrong that resulted in available = undefined.

The getServices method returns an array of supported website names:

const services = usernameChecker.getServices();
console.log(services); // ['github', 'twitter', 'instagram', ... ]

Supported Websites

Website Name Used in isAvailable Method
About about askfm
Bandcamp bandcamp
BasecampHQ basecamphq
Behance behance
Bitbucket bitbucket
Blogspot blogspot
BuzzFeed buzzfeed
Cash cash
Codecademy codecademy
Contently contently
Dailymotion dailymotion
Designspiration designspiration
DeviantArt deviantart
Disqus disqus
Dribbble dribbble
eBay ebay
Etsy etsy
EyeEm eyeem
Facebook facebook
Fanpop fanpop
Fiverr fiverr
Flickr flickr
Flipboard flipboard
GitHub github
Gitlab gitlab
Gravatar gravatar
Houzz houzz
Hubpages hubpages
IFTTT ifttt
Instructables instructables
Kano World kanoworld
Keybase keybase
Kik kik
Kongregate kongregate last
LiveJournal livejournal
Medium medium
Mix mix
Shopify myshopify
Myspace myspace
Newgrounds newgrounds
Pandora pandora
Pastebin pastebin
Patreon patreon
PayPal paypal
Photobucket photobucket
Pinterest pinterest
Product Hunt producthunt
Reddit reddit
ReverbNation reverbnation
Roblox roblox
Slack slack
Slideshare slideshare
Soundcloud soundcloud
Spotify spotify
Steam Community steamcommunity
Telegram telegram
TikTok tiktok trakt
TripIt tripit
Tumblr tumblr
Twitch twitch
Twitter twitter
Venmo venmo
Vimeo vimeo
VK vk
Wattpad wattpad
Wikia wikia
WordPress wordpress
Y Combinator ycombinator
Yelp yelp
YouNow younow
YouTube youtube

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npm i username-checker

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  • mastermunj