Tetris Game implemented as a custom hook
This is a fun project with the sole purpose to learn new things. It is a work in progress. Currently there are some things missing:
- add levels
- increase speed (gravitation) for each level
- simplify current hook using
for the game logic
I've extracted this from another project which you can try here https://florin-cosmin-tetris.netlify.app/
How to use it
npm i use-tetris@latest -E
Then in your JavaScript/TypeScript code:
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { useTetris } from 'use-tetris'
// copied from: https://usehooks-typescript.com/react-hook/use-event-listener
import useEventListener from './use-event-listener'
const TetrisApp: React.FC = () => {
const {
} = useTetris()
// listen for keydown events
useEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
const keycode = (event as KeyboardEvent).keyCode as keyof typeof browserKeyCodeMap
const key = browserKeyCodeMap[keycode]
const { score, grid, piece, nextPiece, gameState } = tetrisState
return (
render(<TetrisApp />, document.querySelector('#root'))
This project was bootstrapped using tsdx.io
If you want to get in contact with me you can always DM me on twitter