Use On Screen
use-on-screen is a React Hooks library used to detect if a certain element is visible on the screen, both in a scrollable container and in the window.
Installation Use the package manager npm to install use-on-screen.
npm install use-on-screen
Usage // ...
import useOnScreen from "use-on-screen";
function FakeFeed() {
const [visible, position] = useOnScreen({
target: "#loader", // default: ""
parent: "#feed",
// if the parent is not defined,
// it will consider the entire user's viewport
delay: 500 // default: 1000
// ...
// Use useEffect() to call a function when element is visible
useEffect(() => {
if (visible) {
}, [visible]);
// ...
return (
<section id="feed">
Many other posts over here...
<span id="loader"></span> {/* if visible, it will
load more posts*/}
Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.